This VBScript program performs AFR using one differential 2X THRU, saves the fixture data to a file, then performs deembedding.
Each VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as *.vbs.
Learn how to setup and run the macro
Dim app
Dim scpi
Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")
Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser
'The 2X THRU data file should alreay exist
thruFile = "S:\case_02\AA.s4p"
'Fixture A and B data file will be created or overwritten
fixaFile = "S:\case_02\_demo_fix_a.s4p"
fixbFile = "S:\case_02\_demo_fix_b.s4p"
'AFR extracts fixture files
scpi.Execute("AFR:FIXTure:INPuts DIFFerential")
scpi.Execute("AFR:FIXTure:MEASurement 4")
scpi.Execute("AFR:STANdard:USE THRU,1")
scpi.Execute("AFR:STANdard:LOAD THRU," & Q(thruFile))
scpi.Execute("AFR:SAVE:PORTs VNA")
scpi.Execute("AFR:SAVE:FILename " & Q(fixaFile) & "," & Q(fixbFile))
opc = scpi.Execute("*OPC?")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMB:TYPE C")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMB:TOP:C:PORT 1,2,3,4")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:NETWork1:FILename " & Q(fixaFile))
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:NETWork1:PMAP 1,2,3,4")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:NETWork1:TYPE DEEMbed")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:NETWork2:FILename " & Q(fixbFile))
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:NETWork2:PMAP 1,2,3,4")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:NETWork2:TYPE DEEMbed")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:EMBed:STATe ON")
scpi.Execute("CALC:FSIM:STATe ON")
opc = scpi.Execute("*OPC?")
Set scpi = Nothing
Set app = Nothing
'Add double quotation marks to a string
Function Q(s)
Q = Chr(34) & s & Chr(34)
End Function