This Visual Basic Program uses VISA to do the following:
Control the VNA using a VISA LAN Client interface on the VNA.
Control another instrument using the VNA as GPIB controller.
Note: This program can be modified to work from a remote PC to control both instruments. In that case, set up the VNA to be a talker/listener.
To run this program, you need to do the following:
Add module visa32.bas to the VB project.
Set up the VNA to be GPIB system controller.
Connect another instrument to the analyzer through a GPIB cable with Primary address of 13 on GPIB0 interface
See Other SCPI Example Programs
Sub main()
'This application run from onboard the VNA
'can control both the VNA and another GPIB instrument.
'To run this program the module visa32.bas must be added
'to the project.
'VISA function status return code
Dim status As Long
'Session to Default Resource Manager
Dim defRM As Long
'Session to instrument
Dim viPNA As Long
'Session to other GPIB instrument
Dim viInstrument As Long
'String to hold results
Dim strRes As String * 200
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
status = viOpenDefaultRM(defRM)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Open the session to the VNA
status = viOpen(defRM, "GPIB1::16::INSTR", 0, 0, viPNA)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Ask for the VNA's ID.
status = viVPrintf(viPNA, "*IDN?" + Chr$(10), 0)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Read the ID as a string.
status = viVScanf(viPNA, "%t", strRes)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Display the results
MsgBox "PNA is: " + strRes
'Open the session to the other instrument
status = viOpen(defRM, "GPIB0::13::INSTR", 0, 0, viInstrument)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Ask for the instrument's ID.
status = viVPrintf(viInstrument, "*IDN?" + Chr$(10), 0)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Read the ID as a string.
status = viVScanf(viPNA, "%t", strRes)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then GoTo VisaErrorHandler
'Display the results
MsgBox "Other instrument is: " + strRes
' Close the resource manager session (which closes everything)
Call viClose(defRM)
'Display the error message
MsgBox "*** Error : " + Error$, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
Dim strVisaErr As String * 200
Call viStatusDesc(defRM, status, strVisaErr)
MsgBox "*** Error : " + strVisaErr
End Sub