Getting and Putting Data with Binary

This Python Program does the following:

See Also

Python Basics


import pyvisa as visa

# Change this variable to the address of your instrument
VISA_ADDRESS = 'TCPIP0::localhost::inst0::INSTR'

# Create a connection (session) to the instrument
resourceManager = visa.ResourceManager()
session = resourceManager.open_resource(VISA_ADDRESS)

# Command to preset the instrument and deletes the default trace, measurement, and window

# Create and turn on window 1
session.write("DISP:WIND1:STAT ON")

# ======================== Getting data ========================

# Select the measurement
session.write("CALC1:MEAS1:DEF 'S21'")
# Take a sweep
session.write("SENS1:SWE:MODE SING")
# Data format suited for large amounts of measurement data (dB)
session.write("FORM:DATA REAL,32")
# Tells the instrument to use the native endian type when sending binary data
session.write("FORM:BORD SWAP")

# Ask for the data from the sweep, pick one of the locations to read
myMeas = session.query_binary_values('CALC1:MEAS1:DATA:FDATA?', datatype='f')     # Formatted Meas

# myMeas = session.query_binary_values("CALC:MEAS1:DATA:SDATA?", datatype='f')     # Corrected, Complex Meas
# session.write("CALC:MEAS:MATH:MEM")                                              # Stores a trace into memory, required if querying with FMEM or SMEM
# myMeas = session.query_binary_values("CALC:MEAS1:DATA:FMEM?", datatype='f')      # Formatted Memory
# myMeas = session.query_binary_values("CALC:MEAS1:DATA:SMEM?", datatype='f')      # Corrected, Complex Memory
# myMeas = session.query_binary_values("SENS1:CORR:CSET:ETER:DATA? 'Directivity(1,1)'", datatype='f')     # Error-Term Directivity


# Data format suited for accurate transfer of frequency data (Frequency)
session.write("FORM:DATA REAL,64")
myFreq = session.query_binary_values('CALC1:MEAS1:X?', datatype='d')

# ======================== Putting data ========================

# Preset the instrument and deletes existing traces, measurements, and windows
# Creates a S11 measurement named "CH1_S11_1"

# Must set data format and swap again after system preset
# Data format suited for large amounts of measurement data (dB)
session.write("FORM:DATA REAL,32")
# Tells the instrument to use the native endian type when sending binary data

session.write("FORM:BORD SWAP")

"CALC1:MEAS1:DATA:FDATA ",myMeas)        # Formatted Meas
# session.write_binary_values("CALC:MEAS1:DATA:FMEM ",myMeas)      # Formatted Memory
# session.write_binary_values("CALC:MEAS1:DATA:SDATA ",myMeas)     # Corrected, Complex Meas
# session.write_binary_values("CALC:MEAS1:DATA:SMEM ",myMeas)      # Corrected, Complex Memory
# session.write_binary_values("SENS1:CORR:CSET:ETER:DATA 'Directivity(1,1)',", myMeas)     # Error-Term Directivity'