Example Setup for U7229x Amplifier Control

Amplifiers are often used to improve the over system noise figure. U7229x amplifiers can be controlled with the Noise Figure Macro feature so that during noise power measurements, the amplifier is in the high gain state, and during the S-parameter measurements, the amplifier is in the low gain state. A dwell time of 0.5 seconds is recommended.

The Macro commands needed to control the amplifier on the output port are here:

SENSe<ch>:NOISe:SWEep:MACRo:STATe <bool>

SENSe<ch>:NOISe:SWEep:MACRo:FILE:RSPath <string1>,<string2>

SENSe<ch>:NOISe:SWEep:MACRo:FILE:RNPath <string1>,<string2>

For example:

SENS:NOIS:SWE:MACR:FILe:RNP "amplifierControl.py","setToAMP"

SENS:NOIS:SWE:MACR:FILe:RSP " amplifierControl.py ","setToTHRU"


As shown below, amplifierControl.py is the macro that controls the amplifier, and it takes input arguments “setToAMP” and “setToTHRU”.  In the SCPI above, this assumes that the .py file is placed in the default directory.  Otherwise – the full path can be specified.


import sys
import pyvisa
import time

Mode = (sys.argv[1])
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
#replace with VISA connection string of local amplifier:
myAmplifier = rm.open_resource('USB0::0x2A8D::0x1004::MY0000001::0::INSTR')

if Mode== 'setToAMP':
    myAmplifier.write('ROUTE:CLOSE 1') #turn amplifier ON
elif Mode== 'setToTHRU' :
    myAmplifier.write('ROUTE:CLOSE 0') #turn amplifier OFF


See Also

Python Basics