Perform an Unguided Cal on Multiple Channels

This VBScript program performs an Unguided Calibration simultaneously on two channels.

This could be used in the following cases:

The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the VNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the VNA hard drive as Unguided.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

Dim app

Dim scpi

Dim NumberOfActiveChannels

NumberOfActiveChannels = 2

' Create / Get the VNA application.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

' Query the list of connectors that the VNA system recognizes


'Wait for successful preset before continuing


'The following section sets up 2 channels with different frequency ranges

scpi.Execute("DISP:WIND1:STATE OFF")

'Reset Windows

scpi.Execute("DISP:WIND1:STATE ON")

scpi.Execute("DISP:WIND2:STATE ON")


' Assign a measurement to the first window

scpi.Execute("CALC1:PAR:DEF:EXT 'Meas1', S21")

scpi.Execute("DISP:WIND1:TRAC1:FEED 'Meas1'")

'Assign a measurement to the second window

scpi.Execute("CALC2:PAR:DEF:EXT 'Meas2', S21")

scpi.Execute("DISP:WIND2:TRAC1:FEED 'Meas2'")

'Set up two channels with independent parameters

scpi.Execute("SENS1:FREQ:SPAN 1e9")

scpi.Execute("SENS2:FREQ:SPAN 1e6")

'Wait for changes before continuing



'This section sets the calibration kits for channel 1 and channel 2

'Select a trace from channel 1 and set calibration type and cal kit

scpi.Execute("CALC1:PAR:SEL 'Meas1'")


scpi.Execute("SENS1:CORR:COLL:CKIT 2") '85056D for default settings

'Same standards for forward and reverse direction

scpi.Execute("SENS1:CORR:TST OFF")

'Select a trace from channel 2 and set calibration type and cal kit

scpi.Execute("CALC2:PAR:SEL 'Meas2'")


scpi.Execute("SENS2:CORR:COLL:CKIT 2") '85056D for default settings

'Same standards for forward and reverse direction

scpi.Execute("SENS2:CORR:TST OFF")


'Set both channels to manual triggering

scpi.Execute("INIT1:CONT OFF")

scpi.Execute("INIT2:CONT OFF")


'The following assumes female port connector on port 1

' and male port connector on port 1

'Step through all active channels and calibrate and measure all standards.

scpi.Execute("SENS1:CORR:SFOR ON") 'Set acquisition to forward

scpi.Execute("SENS2:CORR:SFOR ON") 'Set acquisition to forward

MsgBox("Connect OPEN standard to port 1")

For CurrentChannel  = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan1")

done= scpi.Execute("*OPC?")



MsgBox("Connect SHORT standard to port 1")

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan2")




MsgBox("Connect LOAD standard to port 1")

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan3")



scpi.Execute("SENS1:CORR:SFOR OFF") 'Set acquisition to reverse

scpi.Execute("SENS2:CORR:SFOR OFF") 'Set acquisition to forward


MsgBox("Connect OPEN standard to port 2")

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan1")




MsgBox("Connect SHORT standard to port 2")

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan2")




MsgBox("Connect LOAD standard to port 2")

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan3")




'Measure thru standard for all channels in both forward and reverse direction

MsgBox("Connect THRU between ports 1 and 2")

scpi.Execute("SENS1:CORR:SFOR ON") 'Set acquisition to forward

scpi.Execute("SENS2:CORR:SFOR ON") 'Set acquisition to forward

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan4")



scpi.Execute("SENS1:CORR:SFOR OFF") 'Set acquisition to reverse

scpi.Execute("SENS2:CORR:SFOR OFF") 'Set acquisition to reverse

For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL stan4")




For CurrentChannel = 1 To NumberOfActiveChannels

scpi.Execute("CALC" & CurrentChannel & ":PAR:SEL 'Meas" & CurrentChannel & "'")

scpi.Execute("SENS" & CurrentChannel & ":CORR:COLL:SAVE")




'Set both channels to continuous triggering

scpi.Execute("INIT1:CONT ON")

scpi.Execute("INIT2:CONT ON")