
Open Source Software License

JPEG Software Package

This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.  


Redistribution of TightVNC is licensed under the General Public License version 2. Source code of TightVNC and a copy of the GPLv2 may be found in the directory of \opensource\TightVNC.

Portions of this software are distributed under one or more Open Source terms and are not warranted and supported by Keysight.  This disclaimer does not affect any statutory rights that may exist in any country of distribution.  The disclaimed Open Source software portions include the following software package(s): TightVNC.  The text of the license for each software package is contained in a directory reflecting the name of the Open Source software that is found in the "\opensource" directory.  The author and not Keysight grants a license to use and further distribute the Open Source software.  Any license to use and further distribute the Open Source software is granted by the author(s) of such Open Source software in their Open Source license, not by Keysight in this license instrument.  The author(s)’s license terms, if any, are found in text files and, if applicable, the source code of the separate Open Source software packages.  


Keysight provides the Open Source software listed above "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to any warranty of non-infringement, the implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, reasonable care and skill, and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed; and

Keysight shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including: procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) arising from the use of open source software, however caused and regardless of whether such claims are based upon contract, strict liability or tort (except gross negligence or willful misconduct of Keysight), or any other legal theory even if advised of the possibility of such damage and even if it has been ensured that such data can be reconstructed with reasonable expenditure from data material provided in machine-readable form.

Commercial Software License

MathWorks MATLAB Complier Runtime v7.14

MathWorks MATLAB Compiler ; Permission to use the MatLab MCR library is defined in a license agreement between MatLab and you, the Licensee.  A copy of the license agreement may be found in “c:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime” directory.

Note: From A.15.40.12, MATLB compliier runtime is installed only when you turn on the check box of .Net Framework 3.5 under the Windows Feature on the control panel.