Modify the NPR Signal Amplitude Flatness

Amplitude Profile

The Amplitude Profile feature of the N7621 Multitone Distortion application allows you to modify the amplitude flatness of a Noise Power Ratio (NPR) signal. Two examples are presented here. Example 1 will work with most hardware configurations. Example 2 requires a PSG and a Wideband Arb. Both examples use the “TestAmplitudeProfile.txt” file included in the Multitone Distortion\ApiExample directory.


Example 1- Internal Arb

  1. Start the software and configure the system for a ClosedInternal Arb Waveform Generator with Calibration using a PSG, ESG, MXG or EXG.

  2. From the ClosedMode menu, select ClosedNoise Power Ratio (NPR).

  3. Configure the ClosedNPR Signal Frequency and Amplitude as follows:

  1. Configure the ClosedNPR Settings as follows:


  1. Click to download and play the waveform.

The text file ClosedTestAmplitudeProfile.txt contains simulated data from 900 MHz to 1100 MHz and from 9 GHz to 11 GHz, and represents cable attenuation versus frequency.


Amplitude Profile File

The ClosedAmplitude Profile file contains two columns. The first column is the absolute frequency in Hz, the second column is the amplitude response in dB or dBm.


The data must be sorted from lowest frequency to highest frequency without duplicate frequency data points. The application interpolates between data points and uses the end points for frequencies beyond the lowest and highest frequencies.


The figure below shows the amplitude profile display of the NPR mode using the settings from step 1 through 4 above.


Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment Disabled (default)

When the Apply Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment is disabled, the Amplitude Profile file must contain the measured amplitude response of both the signal generator and the signal path outside of the signal generator.


The figure below contains the amplitude profile generated using the ClosedTestAmplitudeProfile.txt data.


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Example 2 - Wideband Arb

  1. Start the software and configure the system for a ClosedWideband Arb Waveform Generator with Calibration using the N6030A Arb.

  2. From the ClosedMode menu, select ClosedNoise Power Ratio (NPR).

  3. Configure the ClosedNPR Signal Frequency and Amplitude as follows:

  1. Configure the ClosedNPR Settings as follows:

  1. Click to download and play the waveform.

The text file ClosedTestAmplitudeProfile.txt contains simulated data from 9 GHz to 11 GHz and represents cable attenuation versus frequency, as shown in the figure below.



Amplitude Profile File

The ClosedAmplitude Profile file contains two columns. The first column is the absolute frequency in Hz, the second column is the amplitude response in dB or dBm.


The data must be sorted from lowest frequency to highest frequency without duplicate frequency data points. The application interpolates between data points and uses the end points for frequencies beyond the lowest and highest frequencies.


The figure below shows the amplitude profile display of the NPR mode using the settings from step 1 through 4 above.


The Amplitude Profile can be used with or without the NPR application's ClosedApply Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment.


Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment Disabled (default)

When the Apply Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment is disabled, the Amplitude Profile file must contain the measured amplitude response of both the signal generator and the signal path outside of the signal generator.


The figure below contains the amplitude profile generated using the ClosedTestAmplitudeProfile.txt data.



The ripple in the plot is from the RF output path of the signal generator. The TestAmplitudeProfile.txt file does not contain any information to correct the RF signal generator output profile.


Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment Enabled

When the Apply Amplitude Accuracy Adjustment is enabled, the correction measurement will characterize the amplitude profile of the signal generator and signal path up to the spectrum analyzer. It corrects for the signal generator flatness and then adds the correction needed by the response in the Amplitude Profile file. The figure below shows this correction.



When providing the amplitude profile of the signal generator by sweeping a sine wave in the wideband I or Q input, be sure to turn the ALC off.


There are several harmonic and/or spur filters in the RF output path. Be sure to characterize the RF output on both sides of the filter switch points. The following figures show the signal generator amplitude response at 5 GHz and 5.000000001 GHz.

Flatness at 5 GHz



Flatness at 5.000000001 GHz (5.5 GHz low pass filter switched out)



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