1. Basic

These parameters require a Download or Play to update their settings.


RF Output

Choices: On | Off
Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the RF output on or off.



Range: 250 kHz to 44 GHz
Default: System dependent

Arb only

250 MHz

Internal Arb

1 GHz

External Arb

1 GHz

Wideband Arb

10 GHz


Enter a value to set the signal generator output frequency. Use abbreviations for faster entry (example: 1k = 1 kHz).

The actual signal generator frequency is Frequency + Noise Offset.

Coupled Parameters

Noise Offset Calculation
Noise Offset



Range: -144 dBm to +25 dBm
Default: 0 dBm

Enter a value to set the signal generator output amplitude.

This parameter cannot be set for systems configured to use the N6030A or N8241A Wideband Arb as a signal generator. The N7621 application generates the highest amplitude possible for the current multitone signal and updates the value displayed after a Download. The output amplitude cannot exceed 2.5 dBm and will usually be less than -5 dBm, depending on the multitone signal parameters.


Frequency Offset

Range: -200 GHz to 200 GHz
Default: 0 Hz

Enter the signal generator frequency offset. Used during the correction operation to account for a frequency offset introduced by a receiver in the signal path between the signal generator and spectrum analyzer.

The signal generator used to create the frequency shift must have its 10 MHz reference connected to the 10 MHz reference of the other instruments.


Amplitude Offset

Range: -200 dB to 200 dB
Default: 0 dB

Enter the signal generator amplitude offset. Used during the correction operation to account for a power offset introduced by an amplifier or cable loss in the signal path between the signal generator and spectrum analyzer.


ALC State

Choices: On | Off
Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn ALC (Automatic Level Control) on or off. The best performance is usually achieved with the ALC On. Turn the ALC off when the tone spacing is 1 kHz or less.

When the ALC State is disabled, the application sets the signal generator Power Search Reference to Modulation and executes a power search during Play to ensure correct output power. A power search is also done during the correction measurement.


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