Downlink NTN Test Model

Based on 3GPP Spec 38.181 v18.3

The Cell ID is assigned based on the current carrier index, i.e. Carrier 1 uses Cell ID 1, Carrier 2 uses Cell ID 2.

Remote Command - DL NTN Test Model

SCPI Command

[:SOURce]:RADio:NR5G:WAVeform[:ARB]:CCARrier<carrier>:CONFig:NTNDtmodel "Bandwidth: FR1BW5M|FR1BW10M|FR1BW15M|FR1BW20M|FR1BW30M|FR2BW50M|FR2BW100M|FR2BW200M|FR2BW400M, Numerology: MU0|MU1|MU2Ncp|MU3|MU5|MU6, DuplexType: FDD, TestModel: FR1TM11|FR1TM12|FR1TM2|FR1TM31|FR1TM32|FR1TM33|FR2TM11|FR2TM2|FR2TM31, Modulation: QPSK|QAM16|QAM64, PhaseCompensation: AUTO|MANual|OFF, PayloadData: PN23|PN9 TDDSlotAllocation: <string> NumberOfDownlinkSymbols1: <integer>, NumberOfDownlinkSymbols2: <integer>, NumberOfDownlinkSymbols3: <integer>, NumberOfDownlinkSymbols4: <integer>"

SCPI Example

RAD:NR5G:WAV:CCAR:CONF:NTND "Bandwidth: FR1BW20M, Numerology: MU1, DuplexType: FDD, TestModel: FR1TM12, PhaseCompensation:AUTO, PayloadData: PN23"


Parameters and default values of DL NTN Test Model Config are listed below:

  • Bandwidth: FR1BW5M

  • Numerology: MU1

  • DuplexType: FDD

  • TestModel: FR1TM11

  • Modulation: QAM64

  • PhaseCompensation: AUTO

  • PayloadData: PN23

Points to remember while providing input for this SCPI command:

  • One combined string is needed as an input in this SCPI command. The format of this string is:

    • "name: value, name: value …"

  • Default value of a parameter will be used if the parameter is not included in the string.

  • The order of parameters in the string does not matter.

  • A parameter's name and value are case sensitive.

  • If a parameter's name is incorrect, error " -224, "Illegal parameter value; xxx is incorrect parameter name." will be generated.

  • If a parameter's type is enum and the supplied enum value is illegal, error " -224, Illegal parameter value; xxx has incorrect value." will be generated.


Modulation is visible in the user interface only when TestModel is set to FR1TM2, FR2TM2, or FR2TM31.

For SCPI users, modulation is only applicable when TestModel is FR1TM2, FR2TM2, or FR2TM31 though you can input the modulation even when Test Model is not set to FR1TM2, FR2TM2, or FR2TM31.

User Interface - DL NTN Test Model

GUI Location

Apps > 5G NR > Carrier DL > DL NTN Test Model



Duplex Type

Test Model


Phase Compensation

DCI/DLSCH Payload Data



Downlink: Based on the Table 5.3.2-1, 5.3.2-2, and 5.3.2-3 in 38.104

Uplink: Based on the Table 5.3.2-1 in 38.101-1 and 38.101-2

Selects the bandwidth configuration for the carrier.

Duplex Type

Choices: FDD

Selects the duplex type.


Selects the numerology of the test model. The choices are related to the selected bandwidth.

Test Model

Choices: See the table below.

Default: NR-SAN-FR1-TM1.1

Selects the Test Model to configure. A description of the currently selected test model appears in the hint window on the right pane of the dialog box.

Based on the selected Bandwidth option, the Test Model options are available as listed in the following table.


Test Models

FR1 5Mhz

FR1 10Mhz

FR1 15Mhz

FR1 20Mhz

FR1 30Mhz







FR2 50Mhz

FR2 100Mhz

FR2 200Mhz

FR2 400Mhz





Choices: QPSK | 16QAM | 64QAM

Default: 64QAM

Set the Modulation Type for NR-SAN-FR2-TM2 or NR-SAN-FR2-TM3.1.

Phase Compensation

Choices: Auto | Manual | Off

Default: Auto

Set the phase compensation mode on the baseband signal before upconversion.

Phase compensation is not applicable for PRACH carrier.

Auto: Use the RF frequency from the instrument node.

Manual: Enter the RF frequency manually.

Off: Disable phase compensation on baseband signal.

DCI/DLSCH Payload Data

Choices: PN9 | PN23

Default: PN23

Select the PN type for Downlink NTN Test Model.

Carrier Downlink