PRACH Test Preambles Configuration

Updated for 38.141-1 (v18.7.0). Learn more.

Updated for 38.141-2 (v17.10.0). Learn more.

Remote Command - PRACH Test Preambles Config

User Interface - PRACH Test Preambles Config

Remote Command - PRACH Test Preambles Config

SCPI Command

[:SOURce]:RADio:NR5G:WAVeform[:ARB]:CCARrier<carrier>:CONFig:PPReambles "PrachTestConfigMode: FR1Normal|FR2Normal|FR1A|FR1B|FR1Sformat|FR1Lra|FR2Sformat|FR2Lra,Bandwidth:FR1BW5M|FR1BW10M|FR1BW15M|FR1BW20M|FR1BW25M|FR1BW30M|FR1BW35M|FR1BW40M|FR1BW45M|FR1BW50M|FR1BW60M|FR1BW70M|FR1BW80M|FR1BW90M|FR1BW100M|FR2BW50M|FR2BW100M|FR2BW200M|FR2BW400M|FR2BW800M|FR2BW1600M,Numerology:MU0|MU1|MU2Ncp|MU2Ecp|MU3|MU5,PRACHFormat:F0|F1|F2|F3|FA0|FA1|FA2|FA3|FB1|FB2|FB3|FB4|FC0|FC2,SCS:SCS15K|SCS30K|SCS60K|SCS120K|SCS1K25|SCS5K|SCS480K,IncreaseTimeOffset:ON|OFF|1|0,TimeOffsetType:FRAMe|SLOT,Subframes: <string>, LRA: <Integer>"

SCPI Example

RAD:NR5G:WAV:CCAR0:CONF:PPR "Bandwidth:FR1BW25M,Numerology:MU1,PRACHFormat:FA1,SCS:SCS30K,IncreaseTimeOffset: ON,Subframes:3:6"

RADio:NR5G:WAVeform:CCAR0:CONF:PPR "PrachTestConfigMode: FR1A, Bandwidth: FR1BW100M, Numerology: MU1, PRACHFormat: F0, SCS: SCS1K25, IncreaseTimeOffset: On"

RADio:NR5G:WAVeform:CCAR0:CONF:PPR "PrachTestConfigMode: FR2Lra, Bandwidth: FR2BW800M, Numerology: MU5, PRACHFormat: FA2, SCS: SCS480K, IncreaseTimeOffset: On, LRA: 139"


PRACH test preambles configuration parameters and their default values are listed below:

Bandwidth: FR1BW100M

Numerology: MU1

PRACHFormat: F0


IncreaseTimeOffset: OFF

TimeOffsetType: FRAMe

Subframes: <string>

One combined string is needed to be inputted in SCPI command. The format of it is  "name: value , name: value …" .

Default value will be used if parameter is not provided.

The order of parameters does not matter. Parameter's name and value are case sensitive.

If parameter's type is enum and the inputted enum value is illegal ,  error " -224, Illegal parameter value; xxx has incorrect value." will be generated.

User Interface - PRACH Test Preambles Config

GUI Location

Apps > 5G NR > Carrier PRACH > PRACH Test Preambles Config




Burst Format




Logical sequence index


Increase Time Offset

Time Offset Base


Time Offset Type



Downlink: Based on the Table 5.3.2-1, 5.3.2-2, and 5.3.2-3 in 38.104

Uplink: Based on the Table 5.3.2-1 in 38.101-1 and 38.101-2

Selects the bandwidth configuration for the carrier.


Choices: Table A.6-1 | Table A.6-2 | Table A.6-3 | Table A.6-4 | Table A.6-5 | Table A.6-6 | Table A.6-7 | Table A.6-8

Coupling: Choices vary with Bandwidth setting

Select a predefined mode, based on 38.141-2 (v17.10.0).

For more information, see PRACH Test Preambles Config Update for 38.141-2 v17.10.0.


Select the Numerology of the configuration, the choices are related to the selected Bandwidth.

Burst Format

Choices: Format 0 | Format 1 | Format 2 | Format A1 | Format A2 | Format A3 | Format B4 | Format C0 | Format C2

Set the PRACH Burst format to be configured for current carrier, see A.6 in 38.141.


Select the subcarrier spacing for PRACH based on the burst format, see A.6 in 38.141



SCS for PRACH = 120:571 | 1151

SCS for PRACH = 480: 571 | 139

Coupling: Available only when Bandwidth is set to FR2 (100MHz to 1600MHz) and Mode is set to Table A.6-8

Select the LRAvalue.

For more information, see Table A.6-8 in PRACH Test Preambles Config Update for 38.141-2 v17.10.0.


Display the Ncs based on burst format and SCS for PRACH, see A.6 in 38.141.

Logical sequence index

Display the Logical sequence index based on burst format and SCS for PRACH, see A.6 in 38.141.


Display the v based on burst format and SCS for PRACH, see A.6 in 38.141.

Increase Time Offset

Enable or disable time offset increase for each burst, see section 8.4 in 38.141.

Time Offset Base

Display the Time Offset Base value, see section 8.4 in 38.141. This value will be applied to the timing offset of carrier.


Defines which subframes will be used for one PRACH burst. It’s a string to define a int array. The range of each number is from 0 to 9. The numbers are separated by “,” and “x:y” means from x to y with both x and y included.

The format “x:y:z” is not supported, which means the step can only be one.

Time Offset Type

Controls how the time offset is applied.

Choices: Frame | Slot

Default is Frame.

When it is set to Frame, 10 frames are generated and the time offset is changed for every frame.

When it is set to Slot, 1 frame is generated and the time offset is changed for every slot.”

PRACH Test Preambles Config Update for 38.141-2 v17.10.0

PRACH Test Preambles Config Update for 38.141-1 v18.7.0

Carrier PRACH

PRACH Full-Filled Config