Warning Messages

A warning message is displayed in the instrument message/Warning area in the lower left part of the display against a gray background. Pushing a front panel key or executing :DISP:CCL command clears the message.

This message simply appears on the display, being not known to a remote environment such as a GPIB. This message is not displayed when another error (against a red background) has already been displayed in the instrument message/Warning area.

Warning Messages During Measurement



Calibration data lost ([parameter])

One or more of the below calibration data is lost. The lost parameter is indicated in the message, for example, calibration data lost (band information):

(nominal value), (band information), (frequency reference), (DC Bias), (constants for sweep controller), (trd band information), (synthesizer source level), (synthesizer local level), (DC monitor), (DC Ps Frequency), (range tbl), (er tbl), (srr att tbl), (gain tbl), (src vnr), (null GP 0m), (null GP 2m), (null GP probe), (null GP 7mm), (trdlcy), (trd DC dac), (lo null dac), (IFBW), (mod ADC Ofs), (mod DAC Ofs), (AC level monitor), (ADC linearity), (compression),  (rangeR), (Imp0m), (Imp1m), (Imp2m), (Imp7mm), (ImpProbe), (R100Ls), (WaitTimeTbl), (IfBwC).

DC Bias overload

When the dc bias is applied, dc current that exceeds the setting of the DCI range (<1mA, <10mA, or <100mA) is supplied from the bias source, or the overcurrent limit circuit of the dc bias source takes effect. Increase the setting of the dc bias range or decrease the level of the applied dc bias.

Invalid key code

The key code entered to enable or disable an option is incorrect. Enter the correct key code to proceed.

Reduce OSC Level

The oscillator level is considerably higher than the measured |Z| (absolute value of impedance) of the DUT, causing increased nonlinear measurement error that cannot be ignored. This message is displayed when the oscillator level is set to greater than 0.5 V while |Z| of the DUT is smaller than 48 ohm. To avoid this error, set the oscillator level below 0.5 V.

Unable to find help file

This warning message appears when Help file could not be executed when you press the Help key. The file is either corrupted or unavailable. Re-install the firmware.

Unable to find help id file

This warning message appears when Help file could not be executed when you click a button at the menu bar and press the Help key to execute a help topic related to the button. The help id file is either corrupted or unavailable.

Unknown SSD image

This message appears when wrong SSD is installed.

Unknown system revision

This message appears when wrong SSD is installed.

Z measurement overload

The internal circuit (ADC) is temporarily overloaded. Measurement data when this error occurs is invalid.