:CALCulate<Ch>[:SELected]:MATH:FUNCtion {NORMal|DIVide|MULTiply|SUBTract|ADD}
This command selects the math operation type. Causes error when memory trace is not valid, except NORM. When NOP is changed, operation type is set to NORM.
Parameter |
Selection Option |
Description |
Math operation type |
Data Type |
Character string type (String) |
Range |
"NORMal": Data (no math). "DIVide": Data / Mem. "MULTiply": Data × Mem. "SUBTract": Data - Mem. "ADD": Data + Mem. Where Data is the measurement data (corrected data array) and Mem is the data stored in the memory trace (corrected memory array). |
Preset Value |
NORMal |
Dim Var as String
Var= "NORM"
Ana.WriteString ":CALC1:MATH:FUNC " & Var, True
Ana.WriteString ":CALC1:MATH:FUNC?", True
Display > Data Math