Setting Material Measurement Parameter (Option 002 Only)

When you take a material measurement (permittivity or permeability measurement) with the E4991B and “Option 002 material measurement,” the following setups must first be completed.

Select the type of the material measurement

  1. Press Meas to display the measurement setup menu.

  2. Press Measurement Mode > Impedance | Permittivity | Permeability.

Softkey Label



Impedance measurement (measurement of general impedance parameters except for permittivity and permeability)


Permittivity measurement


Permeability measurement


Enter material dimensions

  1. Press Meas to display the measurement setup menu.

  2. Press Material Dimension > Thickness | Height | Inner Diameter | Outer Diameter. The Material Dimension softkey is enabled only if you select Permittivity or Permeability.

  3. Enter the dimension value.

Softkey Label



Thickness of dielectric material


Height of magnetic material

Inner Diameter

Inner diameter of magnetic material

Outer Diameter

Outer diameter of magnetic material