This command reads the analysis result of the :CALC:FUNC:EXEC.
{numeric 1}, .... ,{numeric Nx2}<newline><^END>
N (number of data pairs) can be read out with the :CALC:FUNC:POIN.
{numeric n×2-1}: Response value or analysis result of the searched n-th result. {numeric nx2}: Stimulus value of the searched n-th result.
{numeric (Zr: Resonant impedance)},{numeric (fr: Resonant frequency)}, {numeric (Za: Antiresonant impedance)}, {numeric (fa: Antiresonant frequency)}
{numeric (Zr: Resonant impedance)},{numeric (fr: Resonant frequency)}, {numeric (Za: Antiresonant impedance)}, {numeric (fa: Antiresonant frequency)}, {numeric (Ripple 1)}, {numeric (Ripple 2)}, {numeric (Ripple 3)}
Ripple 1: the maximum value of the left-side ripple (the sweep parameter difference between the peak and the left adjacent negative peak) within the range to the left of the resonant point within the waveform analysis range.
Ripple 2: the maximum value of the right ripple (the sweep parameter difference between the peak and the right adjacent negative peak) within the range between the resonant point and the anti-resonant point within the waveform analysis range.
Ripple 3: the maximum value of the left-side ripple within the range to the right of the resonant point within the waveform analysis range.
This searches for phase 0° points within the analysis range from the left edge, and defines the 1st detected point as the resonant point and the 2nd detected point as the anti-resonant point. Even if 3 or more phase 0° points are detected, only the first 2 points are used. If only 1 phase 0° point is detected, 0 is read out for parameters other than Zr, fr, and Rpl1. If no phase 0° point is detected, 0 is read out for all the parameters.
{numeric (Zr: Resonant impedance)},{numeric (fr: Resonant frequency)}, {numeric (Za: Antiresonant impedance)}, {numeric (fa: Antiresonant frequency)}, {numeric (Ripple 1)}, {numeric (Ripple 2)}, {numeric (Ripple 3)}
Ripple 1: the maximum value of the left-side ripple (the sweep parameter difference between the peak and the left adjacent negative peak) within the range to the left of the resonant point within the waveform analysis range.
Ripple 2: the maximum value of the right-side ripple (the sweep parameter difference between the peak and the right adjacent negative peak) within the range between the resonant point and the anti-resonant point within the waveform analysis range.
Ripple 3: the maximum value of the left-side ripple within the range to the right of the resonant point within the waveform analysis range.
Dim Var as Variant
Ana.WriteString ":CALC1:FUNC:DATA?", True
Var=Ana.ReadList(ASCIIType_R8, ",")
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.