This command reads the bandwidth search result of marker 1 to 9 (Mk) and reference marker (Mk:10).
If the bandwidth search is impossible, an error occurs when executed and the object is ignored.
{numeric 1}, {numeric 2}, {numeric 3}, {numeric 4}, {numeric 5}, {numeric 6}<newline><^END>
{numeric 1} : Bandwidth
{numeric 2} : Center point frequency of the 2 cutoff frequency points
{numeric 3} : Q value
{numeric 4} : marker value (peak value)
{numeric 5} : DL
{numeric 6} : DR
Dim Var as Variant
Ana.WriteString ":CALC1:MARK:BWID:DATA?", True
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.
(Result on the screen for Marker Search > Bandwidth)