:CALCulate<Ch>[:SELected]:MARKer<Mk>:SET {CENTer|STARt|STOP|RLEVel|ZOOM}
This command sets the value at the position of marker 1 to 9 (Mk) and reference marker (Mk:10) to the value of the stimulus.
Parameter |
Selection Option |
Description |
Type of stimulus value |
Data Type |
Character string type (String) |
Range |
"STARt": Sets the sweep start value to the stimulus value at the marker position. "STOP": Sets the sweep stop value to the stimulus value at the marker position. "CENTer": Sets the sweep center value to the stimulus value at the marker position. "RLEVel": Sets the reference line value to the response value at the marker position. "ZOOM": Sets the span value in order to zoom the span by specified zoom aperture. |
Preset Value |
- |
Dim Var as String
Var= "CENT"
Ana.WriteString ":CALC1:MARK1:SET " & Var, True
Marker Fctn > Marker > Start
Marker Fctn > Marker > Stop
Marker Fctn > Marker > Center
Marker Fctn > Marker > Reference
Marker Fctn > Marker > Zoom