Preparation for Measurement

Selection of MUT and Test Fixture

With the E4991B, the 16454A test fixture can be used to measure magnetic materials. The applicable dielectric materials are toroidal cores with a donut shape, such as ferrite magnets. Applicable magnetic materials are shown below.

Calibration Reference Plane

Necessary Calibration/Compensation

Place and Method of Execution

1 M to 1 GHz

± 50 mA

b ≥ ɸ 3.1 mm

c ≤ ɸ 20.0 mm

h ≤ 8.5 mm

Required Equipment

The following equipment is required to perform magnetic measurement.

Connecting Test Head

Connect the test head to the E4991B. Be sure not to remove the four feet on the bottom of the E4991B when connecting the test head.

Do not connect the test fixtures to the test head at this point because calibration is performed on the DUT port (7-mm terminal) of the test head later.

Turning the Power ON

Press the power switch to turn ON the power to the E4991B. The E4991B performs a power-on self-test. When the self-test is completed, the measurement screen appears on the LCD.