Other topics about Using Windows
The E4991B measurement application can be executed with both administrator and standard user type of account with windows.
The below account settings are available:
User Name |
Password |
Type |
Description |
Instrument |
measure4u (Windows 7 and Windows 10 with storage revision BF2xx and below) Keysight4u! (Windows 10 with storage revision BG30x and above.) |
Administrator |
Auto Log On is activated by default. |
Administrator |
agielnt4u (Windows 7) keysight4u (Windows 10 with storage revision BF2xx and below / Windows 7 with storage revision KB100 and above) Keysight4u! (Windows 10 with storage revision BG30x and above.) |
Built-in Administrator |
For user maintenance purpose. |
To be determined by user |
To be determined by user |
Administrator or Standard user |
Not a default account setting. However, can be added by user. |
Keysightonly |
Not disclosed to user |
Administrator |
This account is used by Keysight Service in case of repair/maintenance.
Refer to Add and Remove User to learn on how to add and remove standard user and administrator.
The standard user account has some limitation in access, especially in performing the below tasks. These are only allowed with administrator account:
Saving file under specified directories (such as the root directory) determined by Windows
Change User Account Control settings
With administrator account, you are allowed to modify the User Account Control settings. To access the User Account Control setting, open Control Panel, click on User Accounts > Change User Account Control settings. The default setting is Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer. With this selection, you are notified each time a program tries to make any changes to your computer. Other available settings are not guaranteed in the E4991B operation.
With a standard user account, default setting (Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer) should be selected before you leave from an administrator account.
You are allowed to change an account's password.
Open User Accounts in Control Panel.
Click Add or remove user accounts.
Click on the account you would like to change password from the Choose the account you would like to change.
Click Change the password.
Enter new password, confirm new password and password hint.
Click Change Password button.
Adding new user and removing existing user can be done via Control Panel.
Open User Accounts in Control Panel.
Click Add or remove user accounts.
Click Create a new account.
Enter the new account name.
Select either Standard user or Administrator.
Click Create Account button.
The administrator authority is necessary for some of function in E4991B. Select computer administrator when you make the user account.
Open User Accounts in Control Panel.
Click Add or remove user accounts.
Click on the account you would like to remove from the Choose the account you would like to change.
Click Delete the account.
Window message confirming if you would like to keep or delete the account's files prompts.
Click either Delete Files or Keep Files button.
Next windows message prompts seeking confirmation if you are sure of deleting the selected account.
Click on Delete Account button.