Spot Noise Measurement

This example program creates a Spot Noise measurement.

This VBScript program can be run as a macro in the analyzer. To do this, copy the code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the analyzer SSD as PN_Spot_Noise.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.


See Also

See Other SCPI Example Programs

'  Phase Noise - Spot Noise


Dim app

Dim scpi

' Create / Get the VNA application.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

' Enable spot noise analysis

scpi.parse "CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNOise:STATe ON"

' Enable spot noise of decade frequency

scpi.parse "CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNOise:DEC:STAT ON"

' Enable spot noise of 120 kHz and 3 MHz offset frequency

scpi.parse "CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNOise:USER1:STATe ON"

scpi.parse "CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNOise:USER2:STATe ON"

scpi.parse "CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNOise:USER1:X 120e3"

scpi.parse "CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNOise:USER2:X 3e6"

' Show spot noise table

scpi.parse "DISPlay:WINDow:TABle:SNOise:ENABle ON"

' Query spot noise data

s1 = scpi.parse("CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNO:USER1:X?")

s2 = scpi.parse("CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNO:USER1:Y?")

s3 = scpi.parse("CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNO:USER2:X?")

s4 = scpi.parse("CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNO:USER2:Y?")

s5 = scpi.parse("CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNO:DEC:X?")

s6 = scpi.parse("CALCulate:MEASure:PN:SNO:DEC:Y?")

Wscript.Echo "User1" & vbCrLf & _

             "  X = " & s1 & "  Y = " & s2 & vbCrLf & _

             "User2" & vbCrLf & _

             "  X = " & s3 & "  Y = " & s4 & vbCrLf & _

             "Decades Edges" & vbCrLf & _

             "  X = " & s5 & "  Y = " & s6