VNA Cal Kit File Types

The VNA Cal Kit editor can open the following types of Cal Kit files:

VNA Families

File Type

Cal Kits supported by current firmware of these VNA models: PNA Series, E5080A/B, FieldFox, and PXI Series


Old PNA Series Cal Kits (PNA Firmware A.07.50 to A.09.90)


Old PNA Series Cal Kit (before A.07.50)


Previous FieldFox format Cal Kits


Previous ENA format Cal Kits


8510 Cal Kit


8753, 8752, 8719, 8720, or 8722 Cal Kit



The current revision of Cal Kit files can be downloaded at

File Save (As)

The VNA Cal Kit Editor can save Cal Kits in one of three file formats:

About Opening Legacy VNA Kits

Cal kit files from Keysight "legacy" network analyzers (listed above) may not contain information that the VNA requires. When loaded into the VNA Cal Kit Editor, the cal kit name and description, the cal standards, and the cal class assignments will be modified in a best effort manner. You may need to correct these modifications after importing your legacy cal kit to meet your specific requirements.

File Association

With the exception of *.xml, the above file types are automatically associated with the CalKit Editor if they are not already associated with a different program. That means, after running CalKit Editor, double-clicking any of the above file types (except *.xml) will open the file using CalKit Editor.

If you have already associated one of these file types with a different program and would like to change it to CalKit Editor, do the following:

  1. Right-click the file, then click Open With

  2. Browse to the CalKitEditor install folder.

  3. Check Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.

  4. Select CalKit Editor.