Preventing SSD Problems  - CRITICAL

The leading cause of unit failures is problems with the Solid State Drive (SSD). These problems are usually preventable, and in many cases, recoverable (see Recovering from SSD Problems). The following could save you weeks of downtime and the cost of replacing your analyzer SSD.

Do NOT Modify or Reconfigure the Operating System

The Microsoft Windows operating system has been modified and optimized by Keysight to improve the performance of the analyzer.

Install Antivirus Protection

The analyzer does NOT have antivirus protection when shipped. Use of an antivirus program is strongly recommended if you connect the analyzer to the Internet.

In addition, the use of a firewall could help to protect the analyzer from viruses. However, some firewalls could limit DCOM connectivity of the analyzer.

Install Windows Critical Updates

The analyzer is always shipped with the latest service packs and critical updates that were available at the time that the analyzer is produced. We recommend that you maintain the latest available protection for your analyzer by automatically accepting and installing the latest critical security patches from the Microsoft Windows Update website:

Use Firmware Update

Update your firmware to the latest version. See FW upgrade.

Remove Power from the analyzer ONLY when the Power Button is Yellow

Unplugging the power cord, or otherwise removing power when the power button is green, can damage the SSD. Learn more about powering the analyzer ON and OFF.

Having analyzer SSD Problems?

If you are experiencing problems which may be caused by a faulty SSD, please see Recovering from  SSD Problems.