Other topics about Advanced Calibration
The partial overwrite function is used to perform partial measurement after the execution of calibration, and it overwrites the calibration coefficients.
There are three types of calibration coefficients: Er, Es, Ed for reflection, Et for transmission, and Ex for isolation. If some of them do not provide satisfactory calibration, you can use this function to re-calculate the calibration coefficients by measuring an applicable standard only instead of measuring all the standards again.
When the calibration coefficients become inappropriate over time or the status on the E5061B side from the calibration surface changes due to replacement of a cable or connector, you also need to perform thru measurement when partial overwrite is required for reflection or isolation measurement.
The adapter removal and partial overwrite function is only available when calibration status is [Cor] and not for [C?] or [C!].
Partial overwrite is not available if no calibration has been done. You cannot append calibration coefficients to previous calibrations. For example, you cannot realize 2-port calibration by performing additional calibration for 1 port after the execution of full 1-port calibration. The partial overwrite function is used to make measurements for previous calibration coefficients and overwrite them.
Follow these steps to execute the partial overwrite function. The example demonstrates re-calibration thru calibration only for exiting 2 port full calibration:
Press Channel Next (or Channel Prev) to select the channel of which you already have performed full 2 port calibration.
Press Cal >Calibrate > 2-Port Cal.
Click Transmission.
Make a thru connection between the ports 1 and 2.
Click Port 1-2 Thru.
Click Return.
Click Overwrite to finish the re-calibration for the full 2-port calibration. At this point, the calibration coefficients are re-calculated with the new thru calibration and saved.