Measurement Example

This shows an example of WPT measurement.

Used of Instrument, Option, Test Accessories

Measurement Example Procedure

Using Mode-1 in Basic Mode

  1. Preset

    1. Press Preset > OK to preset the analyzer.

  2. Stimulus/Sweep Setup

    1. Press Center and input 6.78 MHz in entry bar.

    2. Press Span and  input 2MHz in entry bar.

    3. Press Avg > IFBW and input 1 kHz in entry bar.

  3. Calibration using ECal (e.g., N4433A) at the end of test cables

    1. Press Cal > ECal > 2-Port Cal.

  4. Start WPT Analysis Software

    1. Press Analysis > Start WPT Analysis.

    2. Click OK.

  5. Setup for Measurement

    1. Set User Defined Parameters and Change Trace Setting as needed (default setting works fine for demo).

  6. Measurement

    1. Connect DUT on Port1 and Port2.

    2. Click Auto Scale All.

  7. Data Analysis (Marker Function).

    1. Click area on trace 4 or use Trace Prev/Trace Next to activate Tr4.

    2. Press Marker and input 6.78 MHz in entry bar.

    3. Read the marker value.

    4. Marker can be moved by rotating the rotary knob.

Using Mode 2 in Basic Mode

Continued from Demo#01

  1. Go to Mode-2

    1. Click Go to Mode-2.

  2. Sweep Mode

    1. Select 3D:Sweep R & X (Fix Freq).

  3. Frequency

    1. Set Fix Frequency to 6.78 MHz.

  4. Trace Parameter

    1. Select Efficiency(real(Pout)/real(Pin))(%).

  5. Calculation

    1. Click Calculation, and wait for a computation.

    2. Get insight from the figure.

Using Mode-1 in Advance Mode

  1. Preset

    1. Press Preset > OK to preset the analyzer.

  2. Start WPT Analysis Software

    1. Press Analysis > Start WPT Analysis.

    2. Click OK.

    3. Check User Advanced Mode and click Yes.

  3. Stimulus/Sweep Setup

    1. Press Center and input 6.78 MHz in entry bar.

    2. Press Span and  input 2MHz in entry bar.

    3. Press Avg > IFBW and input 1 kHz in entry bar.

  4. Calibration using ECal (e.g., N4433A) at the end of test cables

    1. Press Cal > ECal > 2-Port Cal (same procedure as described in Demo#01).

  5. Setup for Measurement

    1. Change Trace3 Parameter to RCE(%).

    2. RCE stands for Resonator Coupling Efficiency; Optimum resonator coupling efficiency representing maximum power transfer efficiency between transmitting and receiving resonators.

  6. Measurement

    1. Connect DUT (Port1 and Port2).

    2. Click Auto Scale All.

  7. Data Analysis (Marker Function)

    1. Click area on trace 4 or use Trace Prev/Trace Next to activate Tr4.

    2. Press Marker and input 6.78 MHz in entry bar.

    3. Read the marker value.

    4. Marker can be moved by rotating the rotary knob.