Protecting the E5061B

To protect your E5061B, follow the instructions below:

Read the warning labels and specifications

Do not exceed the values provided in the specifications guide or as indicated by the yellow warning labels on the front panel of the E5061B. Refer to the specifications for the conditions required to meet the listed specifications. There will be information regarding E5061B  settings, and calibration requirements.

Do NOT Plug off Power Cable during Shutdown Process

Do Not Plug off Power cable until completing the shutdown process.

If you directly interrupt the power supply to the power cable receptacle when the power supply is on, or while turning off the Line Switch (Always ON), the shutdown process will not work. This could damage the HDD of the E5061B.

Do NOT Modify or Reconfigure the Operating System

The Microsoft Windows operating system has been modified and optimized by Keysight to improve the performance of the E5061.

Install Antivirus Protection

The E5061B does NOT have antivirus protection when shipped. Use of an antivirus program is strongly recommended if you connect the E5061B to the LAN (Internet).

In addition, the use of a firewall could help to protect the E5061B from viruses. However, some firewalls could limit DCOM connectivity of the E5061B.

Install Windows Critical Updates

The E5061B is always shipped with the latest service packs and critical updates that were available at the time when firmware is updated. Keysight recommends you to maintain the latest available protection for your E5061B by automatically accepting and installing the latest critical security patches from the Microsoft Windows Update website:

Run Error Check and Disk Defragmenter

When the E5061B is shutdown unexpectedly or power is removed without properly shutting down, large amounts of Hard Disk Drive space is rendered unusable. If shutdown is done in this manner a number of times, the E5061B could become unstable and no longer work.

This HDD space can be recovered by first running Windows Error-checking to find and correct errors on the disk, and then the Disk Defragmenter to recover Hard Disk Drive space. See the Windows Help file for more information about Disk Defragmenter.

To run error check and defragmenter follow the procedures below:

  1. Click Windows Start Menu > My Computer.

  2. Select the drive you want to perform defragmentation or Error-checking.

  3. Click File, then Properties.

  4. Click the Tools tab.


  1. Click Check Now.

  2. Check Automatically fix file system errors.

  3. Click Start.

  4. Click Yes to run disk check on next restart.

  5. Manually restart the E5061B. The disk check will run before Windows restarts.

Periodically, check the second box in addition to the first box. The error-checking process takes longer time, but performs a complete check.


  1. Click Defragment Now...

  2. Click Defragment to begin the defragment process.

  3. Click Close when defragmentation is complete.

Precaution for Use of Storage

Do NOT modify or delete any Files and Folders in the drives other than D drive. Doing so will result in malfunctioning of the device. It is required to execute the System recovery if there is any trouble with the above operations.

Precaution for input connector and cable

Precautions for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

ESD can damage or destroy electronic components. Whenever possible, conduct testing at a static-safe workstation. Keep static-generating materials at least one meter away from all components. Before connecting any coaxial cable to an analyzer, momentarily short the center and outer conductors of the cable together.

Maintain working environment condition

Control your environment. Maintain temperature & humidity with a satisfactory range within the instruments specification and prevent large fluctuations.

Precautions for transportation

Check for Proper Ventilation

Periodically check and clean the cooling vents of the E5061B. Inadequate airflow can result in excessive operating temperatures  which can lead to instrument failures. When installing the product in a cabinet, the convection in and out of the instrument must not be restricted.

See the installation guide for details.

Precautions for Proper Grounding