The COM objects provided for the E5061B are structured hierarchically as shown below.
The Application objects are at the top of the hierarchy of the E5061B COM object model. They consist of 7 objects dedicated to the COM interface and SCPI objects corresponding to SCPI commands.
The SCPI objects are created to realize the SCPI commands of the E5061B with the COM interface.
In writing SCPI object messages, the conversion rules from the SCPI commands are as follows:
SCPI. must be at the beginning. Notice that the IEEE common commands start with SCPI.IEEE4882. and "*" is omitted.
Replace colons (:) used as the hierarchical separator symbol with dots (.).
The number written in the object message is specified with ( ).
You cannot omit the command message in the syntax.
SCPI command |
COM object |
OUTPUT 717;":SOUR1:POW -10" |
SCPI.SOURce(1).POWer.LEVel.IMMediate.AMPLitude = -10 |
A = SCPI.SENSe(1).CORRection.COLLect.METHod:TYPE |
OUTPUT 717;"*CLS" |