No equivalent COM Commands
:MMEMory:TRANsfer <string>,<block>
:MMEMory:TRANsfer? <string>
This command sets/gets data to/from a file on the built-in storage device of the E5061B. By reading out data with this command and writing it to a file on the external controller, file transfer from the E5061B to the external controller can be realized.
On the other hand, by reading out data from the external controller and writing it to a file on the E5061B with this command, file transfer from the external controller to the E5061B can be realized.
When you use directory names and file names, separate them with "/" (slash) or "\" (backslash). If a file with the specified file name already exists for writing or if the specified file does not exist for reading out (Query), an error occurs and the command is ignored.
Parameter |
String |
Description |
File name on the built-in storage device |
Range |
254 characters or less |
Parameter |
block |
Description |
Data written on/read out from the file |
Range |
GPIB: 20 Mbytes or less LAN: 100 Kbytes or less |
10 OUTPUT 717;":MMEM:TRAN ""Trace01.csv"",#6012345";Dat$
10 OUTPUT 717;":MMEM:TRAN? ""Trace01.csv"""
20 ENTER 717 USING "#,A";A$
30 ENTER 717 USING "#,A";Digit$
40 Img$="#,"&Digit$&"A"
50 ENTER 717 USING Img$;Byte$
60 Img$=Byte$&"A"
70 ALLOCATE Dat$[VAL(Byte$)]
80 ENTER 717 USING Img$;Dat$
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.