Property (Read Only)
Cont = SCPI.MMEMory.CATalog(Dir)
This command reads the following information on the built-in storage device of the E5061B:
Space in use
Available space
Name and size of all files (including directories) in the specified directory
To read out the information in the root directory (folder), specify "\ " (backslash). Separate between directory names (file name) with "\ " (back slash), or "/" (slash).
Parameter |
Cont |
Description |
Directory information ("{A},{B},{Name 1},,{Size 1},{Name 2},,{Size 2}, ... ,{Name N},,{Size N}") Where N is the number of all files in the specified directory and n is an integer between 1 and N. {A}: Space in use of the built-in storage device (byte). {B}: Available space of the built-in storage device (byte). {Name n}: Name of the n-th file (directory). {Size n}: Size (byte) of the n-th file (directory). Always 0 for directories. |
Data type |
Character string type (String) |
Parameter |
Dir |
Description |
Directory name of which the information you want to read out |
Data type |
Character string type (String) |
Range |
254 characters or less |
Dim DirCont As String
DirCont = SCPI.MMEMory.CATalog("d:\")
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.
:MMEMory:CATalog? <string 1>
{string 2}<newline><^END>
The format of the readout character string is as follows:
"{used_size},{free_size},{name 1},,{size 1}, ... ,{name N},,{size N}"
N is the number of all the files in the specified directory and n is an integer between 1 and N.
Space in use of the built-in storage device (byte).
Available space of the built-in storage device (byte).
{name n}:
Name of the n-th file (directory).
{size n}:
Size (byte) of the n-th file (directory). Always 0 for directories.
10 DIM A$[1000]
20 OUTPUT 717;":MMEM:CAT? ""\"""
30 ENTER 717;A$