This section describes the notational conventions used for the description of commands reference.
Object type describes different types of E5061B COM objects. The E5061B provides properties and methods as COM objects. COM objects which set (send)/read (return) the state of the E5061B using variables are defined as property and COM objects which does other processing are defined as method.
COM objects which are only used to read the state of the E5061B are indicated with "Read-only" and the ones used only to set the state of the E5061B are indicated by "Write-only" . COM object that can both read and write data to the E5061B are indicated by 'Read-Write'.
Syntax describes the syntax for sending a COM object from the E5061B VBA to the E5061B. The syntax consists of two parts: the object part and the set/read part, with an equal "=" inserted between them. Variables are indicated by italicized letters. Variables with () are indices. For indices with () having their preset values, you can omit "(variable)," and, if omitted, the preset values are automatically set.
There are some commands of which indices are not used. For example ,SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter.COUNt has no index for PARameter in the manual. However, PARameter can have an index like SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(Tr).COUNt. In this case, specifying the trace number in brackets (Tr) has no meaning (same operation for any number).
The following table describes the 3 types of syntax for coding using objects:
Type |
Description |
"Object (property) = variable": |
Set the stat of the E5061B. |
variable=object (property): |
Read the stat of the E5061B. |
"Object (method)": |
Perform some processing in the E5061B. |
Description describes how to use the COM object or the operation when executed.
Variable provides description about different variables that can be used with the COM objects. It gives the description, data type, allowable range, preset value, unit, resolution, and notes for variable (italic) shown in the syntax.
Variables declared as the string data type (String) are not case-sensitive. For variables of the string type that indicate arguments (written as Param in the syntax), you can omit lower-case letters.
The data types of the E5061B COM objects include 5 types as shown in the following table. Before using variables, declare the data type of each variable. If you do not declare the data type of a variable, it is automatically processed as a variant type.
Data type |
Name |
Consumed memory |
Range |
Long |
Long integer type |
4 bytes |
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 |
Double |
Double precision floating point type |
8 bytes |
For a negative value: For a positive value: |
Boolean |
Boolean type |
2 bytes |
For COM: True or False (For SCPI: ON or OFF) |
String |
1 byte / alphanumeric character |
Up to approximately 2 billion characters |
Variant |
Variant type |
16 bytes |
No limitation |
Binary |
Byte |
Examples provide a sample of using the object through coding with the E5061B VBA.
Related objects provide information about other objects that are similar/related with the object.
Equivalent key shows the operational procedure of the front panel keys that has the same effect as this object.
Equivalent SCPI command shows the SCPI command to execute from an external controller. Its syntax, query response, and example of use are provided.