Obtaining Limit/Bandwidth Limit/Ripple Limit Test Results

Other topics about Limit Test


You can obtain test results by issuing a result retrieval command or through the status register.

Test Results at each Measurement Point

Using commands that retrieve test results

You can obtain the test results at each measurement point by retrieving the stimulus value at failed measurement points. To retrieve failed measurement points, use the following command:

Stimulus value


Number of measurement points


Using the status register

You cannot use the status register to obtain the test results at each measurement point.

Test Results for each Trace

Using commands that retrieve test results

You can retrieve the test result for each trace (i.e., the trace-wide result that combines the results for all measurement points in a particular trace) by issuing the following command:


Using the status register

The condition register and event register under the questionable limit channel {1-4} status register provide 4 bits that correspond to traces 1 to 4 and contain the test results (0: Pass, 1: Fail) for the respective traces; for example, you can obtain the test result for trace 1 from bit 1 and that for trace 4 from bit 4.

Every bit of the condition register is set to 0 when a measurement cycle is started. Upon completion of measurement, those bits that correspond to failed traces are set to 1.

If the corresponding bit of the positive transition filter is set to 1 (preset value), each bit of the event register is set to 1 when the corresponding bit of the condition register changes from 0 to 1 (indicating that the corresponding trace failed the test).

To retrieve the registers, use the following commands:

Questionable limit channel {1-4} status register

Condition register


Event register


Questionable limit channel {1-4} extra status register

Condition register


Event register


Test Results for each Channel

Using commands that retrieve test results

No command is available that allows you to directly retrieve the test result for each channel (i.e., the channel-wide result that combines the results for all traces in a particular channel).

Using the status register

The questionable limit status event register provides 4 bits that correspond to channels 1 to 4 and contain the test results (0: Pass, 1: Fail) for the respective channels; for example, you can obtain the test result for channel 1 from bit 1 and that for channel 4 from bit 4.

Every bit of the condition register is set to 0 after the event registers are cleared by the *CLS. Upon completion of measurement, if the channel-wide test result that combines the results for all traces in a channel is fails, the corresponding bit of the condition register is set to 1.

If the corresponding bit of the positive transition filter is set to 1 (preset value), every bit of the event register is set to 1 when the corresponding bit of the condition register changes from 0 to 1.

To retrieve the registers, use the following commands:

Questionable limit status register

Condition register


Event register


Questionable limit extra status register

Condition register


Event register


Obtaining test results for a channel (channel 1 in this example) using the status register

Overall Test Results

Using commands that retrieve test results

No command is available that allows you to directly retrieve the overall test results that combine the test results for all channels.

Using the status register

The condition register and event register under the questionable status event register provides bit 10 each, from which you can obtain the overall test result (0: Pass, 1: Fail).

The condition register's bit 10 is set to 0 after the event registers are cleared by the *CLS. Upon completion of measurement, this bit is set to 1 if the overall test result that combines the results for all channels fails.

If the positive transition filter's bit 10 is set to 1 (preset value), the event register's bit 10 is set to 1 when the condition register's bit 10 changes from 0 to 1.

To retrieve the condition register and event register under the questionable status event register, use the following commands:

Condition register


Event register



Obtaining overall test results using the status register