
Improving Command Processing Speed

SCPI commands should be processed quickly to improve the throughput when such commands are frequently executed (for example, reading out traces for each measurement).

With the E5061B, the processing time for SCPI commands can be improved by decreasing the refresh rate of the LCD display.

Measurement results (trace) do not need to be updated

When the measurement trace does not need to be updated, turn OFF the updating feature of the LCD display. This improves the processing speed of SCPI commands and eliminates the time used for updating the screen.

To turn OFF the updating feature of the LCD display, use the following command:


Measurement results (trace) need to be updated

When the measurement trace needs to be updated, the processing speed of SCPI commands can still be improved by controlling the update timing of the LCD display:

  1. Execute all SCPI commands that are required before measurement, including commands setting conditions.

  2. Turn OFF the update of the LCD display.

  3. Perform the measurement.

  4. Execute the commands for reading out measurement result or analyzing the result. Note that reading out the result in binary format accelerates data transfer.

  5. Execute the following command to update the LCD display once :DISP:UPD

  6. Return to Step 3.

Sample program

See Control LCD Update Timing.