Other topics about Setting up Analyzer
You can split the E5061B's LCD screen into multiple windows that display channel-specific result information, and the window layout can be selected from a number of variations. In addition, you can place on screen a segment sweep table or echo window, which you can use to display messages from your custom program.
One window displays the results for a single channel. You cannot have a single window to display the results from more than one channel. This means that setting the window layout determines the number of channels displayed on screen.
To select one of the window layouts shown in the figure below, use the following command:
You can place a number of trace graphs in each window by selecting one of the pre-defined graph layouts. The number of graphs differs depending on your selected graph layout. If the number of graphs is equal to or larger than the number of traces (set by the :CALC{1-4}:PAR:COUN command), each graph always displays one trace. On the other hand, if the number of graphs is smaller than the number of traces, some of the graphs display two or more traces. Graph 1 is populated with trace 1, graph 2 with trace 2, and so on. Traces whose numbers exceed the last graph's number populates graph 1, graph 2, and so on.
To select one of the 14 different graph layouts shown in the figure below, use the following command:
Window/graph layouts and command parameters
When you have multiple windows displayed, you can maximize the active channel window so that it covers the entire screen area. To maximize a window, use the following command:
Similarly, when you have multiple traces displayed, you can maximize the active trace so that it extends throughout the entire window. To maximize a trace, use the following command:
You can display the following items at the bottom of the LCD screen:
Segment sweep table
Limit table
Marker list table
Echo window (a window that displays messages from a custom program)
Loss compensation table
To show or hide each of the above items, use the following command:
You cannot have two or more of the above items displayed at a time. The screen displays only the selected item by using the following command:
You can show or hide the softkey labels placed alongside the right-hand edge of the LCD screen. To show or hide the softkey labels, use the following command:
Each trace has two different representations: data and memory traces. You can show or hide the data and memory traces independently of each other. To show or hide the data or memory traces, use the following commands:
Type |
Command |
Data trace |
:DISP:WIND{1-4}:TRAC{1-4}:STAT |
Memory trace |
To copy the data trace to the memory trace, use the following command:
You can perform math operations between the data and memory traces and have the results displayed as the data trace. To perform cross-trace math operations, use the following command:
To turn ON/OFF smoothing, use the following command:
The smoothing aperture is expressed as a percentage with respect to the sweep range. To set the smoothing aperture, use the following command:
To select the measurement parameter data format, use the following command:
Depending on the measurement parameter data format, you can configure the display scale in one of the following two ways:
When you use one of rectangular display formats, you can configure the display scale by setting the following four items:
Type |
Command |
Number of divisions |
Scale per division |
:DISP:WIND{1-4}:TRAC{1-4}:Y:PDIV |
Reference graticule line |
:DISP:WIND{1-4}:TRAC{1-4}:Y:RPOS |
Reference graticule line value |
:DISP:WIND{1-4}:TRAC{1-4}:Y:RLEV |
The number of divisions is a channel-wide setting (shared among all traces), while the remaining three settings are trace-specific.
You can show or hide graticule label (the label on the left-hand side of the graticule lines) by issuing the following command:
When you are using one of Smith chart/Polar formats, you can only set the full scale value (the outermost circle's value) using the following command:
You can use Auto Scale to automatically set the display scale. This feature works by automatically adjusting the reference division line value and the scale value per division when you are using one of the rectangular display formats or the full scale value when you are using one of Smith chart/Polar formats.
To perform Auto Scale, use the following command:
You can display a message in the echo window by issuing the following command:
You can clear any message displayed in the echo window by issuing the following command:
To turn ON/OFF the update of the LCD screen, use the following command:
To show or hide frequencies on the LCD screen, use the following command:
To show or hide the title, use the following command:
To define the title string that appears in the title display area, use the following command:
To show or hide the current date and time on the right-hand side of the instrument status bar, use the following command:
To set the date and time, use the following command:
To turn ON/OFF the LCD backlight, use the following command (note that turning OFF the backlight makes the screen unreadable):
You can select one of the two LCD display modes: normal display (black background) or inverted display (white background).
To select the display mode, use the following command:
To set the display colors, use the following commands:
Data trace |
:DISP:COL{1-2}:TRAC{1-4}:DATA |
Memory trace |
:DISP:COL{1-2}:TRAC{1-4}:MEM |
Graph |
:DISP:COL{1-2}:GRAT{1-2} |
Limit test |
:DISP:COL{1-2}:LIM{1-2} |
Background |
You can reset the display colors in normal display and inverted display to the preset factory state.
To reset the display colors, use the following command: