By using the complex operation library, you can perform operations of complex numbers.
In the complex operation library, you can use the complex type (Complex) as a data type. Data of the complex type consists of a real part (.real) and an imaginary part (.imag) as shown in the following example.
Dim Num as Complex
The following table lists the procedures included in the complex operation library.
Procedure name |
Function |
Sets a complex number. |
Sets a complex number. |
Converts a variant type or double floating point type array to a complex type array. |
Returns the result of the addition. |
Returns the result of the subtraction. |
Returns the result of the multiplication. |
Returns the result of the division. |
Returns the absolute value. |
Returns the phase angle. |
Returns the square of the absolute value. |
Returns the conjugate complex number. |
Returns the cosine. |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine. |
Returns the sine. |
Returns the hyperbolic sine. |
Returns ex. |
Returns the natural logarithm. |
Returns the common logarithm. |
Returns the square root. |
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Dim Dmy As Long
Dim s21_raw As Variant
Dim s12_raw As Variant
Dim s21_Comp As Complex
Dim s12_Comp As Complex
Dim trAce_ratio_comp As Complex
Dim trAce_ratio(401) As Double
SCPI.DISPlay.Split = "D1"
SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(1).Split = "D12_34"
SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter.Count = 2
SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(1).DEFine = "s21"
SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(2).DEFine = "s12"
SCPI.SENSe(1).SWEep.POINts = 201
SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.Source = "bus"
'** Get corrected data array of S21 and S12.
s21_raw = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.DATA.SDATa
s12_raw = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.DATA.SDATa
For i = 0 To 200
'** Copy corrected data array to the complex data array
'** to take advantage of complex operation library
s21_Comp = ComplexSet(s21_raw(2 * i), s21_raw(2 * i + 1))
s12_Comp = ComplexSet(s12_raw(2 * i), s12_raw(2 * i + 1))
'** Calculate the ratio of S12 and S21
'** S12/S21
trAce_ratio_comp = ComplexDiv(s12_Comp, s21_Comp)
trAce_ratio(2 * i) = trAce_ratio_comp.real
trAce_ratio(2 * i + 1) = trAce_ratio_comp.imag
Next i
SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter.Count = 4
'** Write "S12/S21" data to corrected data array for the trace 3 (LogMag)
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.Format = "MLOG"
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.DATA.SDATa = trAce_ratio
'** Write "S12/S21" data to corrected data array for the trace 4 (Phase)
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.Format = "PHASe"
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.DATA.SDATa = trAce_ratio
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' The source code in this part is omitted.
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