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Accessing a List of E5061B COM Objects

The E5061B VBA environment provides COM objects that support the control of E5061B. When you are developing a program using E5061B COM objects, you can access a list of E5061B COM objects by opening Object Browser within Visual Basic Editor.

  1. To open Object Browser, do one of the following:

  2. Select E5062Lib from the Project/Library box to display the E5061B library as shown in the following figure.

  3. There are some COM objects NOT used in controlling with E5061B VBA in the list of the E5061B COM objects displayed on the Object Browser. The COM objects NOT used in controlling with E5061B VBA are not described in the COM object reference.

 How to use Object Browser


Using Automatic Library References

For libraries that satisfy the following conditions, the library reference automatically sets whenever a new project is created and loaded (Macro Setup > New Project).

Automatically referenced libraries


Directory where the library resides.


Extensions of libraries

olb, tlb, dll, or ocx

To check the library reference setting, you must use Visual Basic Editor.

Follow these steps to check the library reference setting.