This command reads the following information on the built-in storage device of the E5063A:
Space in use
Available space
Name and size of all files (including directories) in the specified directory
To read out the information in the root directory (folder), specify "\ " (backslash). Separate between directory names (file name) with "\ " (back slash), or "/" (slash).
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
Directory information ("{A},{B},{Name 1},,{Size 1},{Name 2},,{Size 2}, ... ,{Name N},,{Size N}") Where N is the number of all files in the specified directory and n is an integer between 1 and N. {A}: Space in use of the built-in storage device (byte). {B}: Available space of the built-in storage device (byte). {Name n}: Name of the n-th file (directory). {Size n}: Size (byte) of the n-th file (directory). Always 0 for directories. |
Data Type |
Boolean type (Boolean) |
Range |
254 chars or less |
{254 chars}<newline><^END>
Dim Var as Multiple
Var= 1
Ena.WriteString ":MMEM:CAT?", True
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.