Selecting the Active Channel/Trace

You can configure the E5071C by using various commands. Some commands require you to specify and work with a particular channel or trace, while other commands do not have this restriction.

Those commands that do not require you to specify a particular channel or trace apply to the currently active channels and traces. Therefore, before issuing such a command, you must make the appropriate channels and traces active.

To make a channel active, use the following command:


To make a trace active, use the following command:


If you are using E5071C revision A.9.60 and above, you can select a trace by the trace name, provided it has been defined earlier. To define a trace name, use the following command:


'51, Specified trace does not exist'

'63, Duplicate trace name'

If you are using E5071C revision A.9.60 and above, you also have an option to select the trace directly by using TRAC{1-16} for all SELected commands. As such, you do not need to make a trace active before assigning a command to it.

For example, to activate marker 3 in trace 2, channel 1:




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