Measuring a Multi-port Device

Other topics about Application Programs


The apl_sys.vba shows a sample program (VBA program) that demonstrates how to measure a (3-terminal) duplexer. This VBA program consists of the following modules:

Overview of the Program

The program performs full 3-port calibration using the 85032F calibration kit, measures a (3-terminal) duplexer, and calculates and displays the limit test result, insertion loss, and band-pass ripple. The following figure shows the simple flow of the (3-terminal) duplexer measurement program:

Flow of duplexer measurement program



Description of the Program

When you run this VBA program, reset is performed, the measurement conditions are set, and the message "Perform the full 3-port calibration" is displayed. To perform the full 3-port calibration, click Yes, otherwise click No.

To perform the calibration, follow the onscreen messages to connect each standard of the Keysight 85032F calibration kit to the specified port and then click OK to measure the calibration data. Click Cancel to return to the beginning of the calibration. You cannot skip the isolation calibration. When the calibration data measurement for all standards is complete, the message "All calibration data completion" is displayed, and the calibration coefficient is calculated.

Then, the limit line is set and the setting required for the limit test judgment is performed.

The message "Set the DUT between test cables." is displayed. Connect the DUT (duplexer) between the test cables and then click Yes. The limit line is set and a single sweep is executed. Then, for both trace 1 (Tx: S13) and trace 2 (Rx: S21), the Pass/Fail judgment of the limit test and the insertion loss and ripple analysis result within the pass band  are displayed.

Click Exit on the user form displaying the analysis result. The message prompting for remeasurement is displayed. To perform remeasurement, click Yes,  otherwise click No to terminate the program. The details of the program within the user form for displaying the analysis result (object name: frmDupRes) are not described here.

Display of the execution result of the program of "apl_sys.vba"

The duplexer measurement program (object name: mdlDupMeas) is described in detail below. Line numbers are added for description purpose only and do not appear in the actual program source code.

Line 90

Stores the calibration kit number (4: 85032F) into the CalKit variable.

Line 110

Turns off display update. Turning off display update shortens drawing time and object processing time.

Line 140

Returns the E5071C to the preset state.

Lines 170 to 180

For channel 1, these lines turn the continuous trigger startup mode to On and sets the trigger source to the bus trigger.

Line 200

Calls the Setup_Parameter procedure (lines 910 to 1140). For information on the Setup_Parameter procedure, see the description later.

Line 220

Calls the Setup_Segment procedure (lines 1160 to 1530). For information on the Setup_Segment procedure, see the description later.

Line 250

Stores the calibration kit number for channel 1 into the CalKit variable.

Line 260

Stores 1, 2, and 3 into the Port variable that indicates the ports used for the full 3-port calibration.

Line 280

Calls the Calib_Solt procedure.  

Line 310

Calls the Setup_Limitline procedure (lines 2420 to 3180). For information on the Setup_Limitline procedure, see the description later.

Line 330

Calls the Setup_Register procedure (lines 3200 to 3260). For information on the Setup_Register procedure, see the description later.

Line 380

Displays the message that prompts for connecting a DUT (Device Under Test) and waits for the OK button to be clicked after the connection.

Line 410

Clears the questionable limit status event register and questionable limit channel 1 status event register.

Lines 420 to 430

Generate a trigger to start a single sweep and wait until the measurement finishes (1 is read out with the SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC object).

Lines 450 to 460

For traces 1 and 2, these lines executes the auto scale to set the optimum scale.

Lines 490 to 500

Read out the value of the questionable limit status event register and store the AND of the read-out value and 2 (the value in which only bit 1 is 1) into the Test_Ch1 variable.

Lines 510 to 530

Read out the value of the questionable limit channel 1 status event register and store the AND of the read-out value and 2 (the value in which only bit 1 is 1) into the Test_Tr1 variable and the AND of the read-out value and 4 (the value in which only bit 2 is 1) into the Test_Tr2 variable.

Lines 560 to 610

Specify trace 1 as the active trace and set the analysis range (start point: 1.85 GHz and stop point: 1.91 GHz). Then these lines sets the polarity of the peak search (both the positive peak and the negative peak) and the lower limit of the peak excursion value (0).

Lines 620 to 640

Search for the minimum value within the analysis range and store the analysis result into the IlossTx variables.

Line 650

Uses the ripple analysis function to store the maximum value of the response differences between the positive peaks and the negative peaks within the analysis range into the RipTx variables.

Lines 670 to 720

Specify trace 2 as the active trace and set the analysis range (start point: 1.93 GHz and stop point: 1.99 GHz). Then these lines set the polarity of the peak search (both the positive peak and the negative peak) and the lower limit of the peak excursion value (0).

Lines 730 to 750

Search for the minimum value within the analysis range and store the analysis result into the IlossRx variables.

Line 760

Uses the ripple analysis function to store the maximum value of the response differences between the positive peaks and the negative peaks within the analysis range into the RipRx variables.

Line 790

Calls the Display_Update procedure (lines 3280 to 3620). For information on the Display_Update procedure, see the description later.

Line 810

Displays the user form (object name: frmDupRes) on the screen to display the analysis result.

Lines 830 to 870

Display the message asking whether you want to perform measurement again. Click the Yes button to return to the DUT connection section. Click the No button to terminate the program.

Procedure: Setup_Parameter (lines 910 to 1140)

Lines 970 to 1020

Store the channel layout ("D1": 1-channel display), graph layout ("D1_2": upper/lower 2 part split display), measurement parameter of trace 1 (S13), measurement parameter of trace 2 (S21), data format of trace 1 (MLOG), and data format of trace 2 (MLOG) into the ChDisp, TracDisp, Par(0), Par(1), Fmt(0), and Fmt(1) variables, respectively.

Lines 1040 to 1060

Set the number of traces for channel 1 to 2, the channel layout to the ChDisp variable, and the graph layout for channel 1 to the TracDisp variable.

Lines 1080 to 1120

Set the measurement parameter for trace 1 to the Par(0) variable, the data format for trace 1 to the Fmt(0) variable, the measurement parameter for trace 2 to the Par(1) variable, and the data format for trace 2 to the Fmt(1) variable.

Procedure: Setup_Segment (lines 1160 to 1530)

Lines 1200 to 1260

Store the conditions for channel 1's segment table setting into the SegmData(0) to SegmData(6) variables. The settings are as follows. Stimulus setting mode: start/stop value. IF bandwidth setting for each segment: off. Power setting for each segment: off. Sweep delay time setting for each segment: off. Sweep time setting for each segment: off. Number of segments: 5.

Lines 1280 to 1470

Store the sweep start value, the sweep stop value, and the number of measurement points for channel 1's segments 1 through 5 into the SegmData(7) to SegmData(21) variables, respectively.

Line 1490

Sets channel 1's segment table to the SegmData variable.

Line 1500

Sets channel 1's sweep type to "segment".

Line 1510

Sets the channel 1 graph's horizontal axis display method to the order base (the axis on which the measurement point numbers are placed evenly in the order of measurement).

Procedure: Calib_Solt (lines 1550 to 2420)

See Lines 1200 to 2130 of Calib_Solt.

Procedure: Setup_Limitline (lines 2440 to 3180)

Line 2490

Stores the number of lines (5) in trace 1 limit table into the LimDataS13(0) variable.

Lines 2500 to 2790

Store the settings in trace 1 limit table into the LimDataS13(1) to LimDataS13(25) variables.

Line 2820

Stores the number of lines (4) in trace 2 limit table into the LimDataS21(0) variable.

Lines 2830 to 3060

Store the settings in trace 2 limit table into the LimDataS21(1) to LimDataS21(20) variables.

Lines 3080 to 3110

Specify trace 1 as the active trace, store trace 1's limit line into the LimDataS13 variable, and display it. Then, these lines turn on the limit test function for trace 1.

Lines 3130 to 3160

Specify trace 2 as the active trace, store trace 2's limit line into the LimDataS21 variable, and display it. Then, these lines turn on the limit test function for trace 2.

Procedure: Setup_Register (lines 3200 to 3260)

Lines 3220 to 3230

Set the instrument so that the questionable limit channel status event register's bits 1 and 2 are set to 1 only when the questionable limit channel status register's bits 1 and 2 are changed from 0 to 1 (positive transition).

Line 3240

Enables the questionable limit channel status event register's bits 1 and 2.


Procedure: Display_Update (lines 3280 to 3620).

Line 3300

Updates the display on the LCD screen once.

Lines 3320 to 3380

When trace 1's limit test result is Fail (Test_Tr1 = 2), these lines display Tx(S13) "Limit test result: Fail" on the user form (object name: frmDupRes) against a red background. On the other hand, when trace 1's limit test result is Pass (Test_Tr1 ¼  2), they display Tx(S13) "Limit test result: Pass" on the user form (object name: frmDupRes) against a blue background.

Lines 3400 to 3460

When trace 2's limit test result is Fail (Test_Tr2 = 4), these lines display Rx(S21) "Limit test result: Fail" on the user form (object name: frmDupRes) against a red background. On the other hand, when trace 1's limit test result is Pass (Test_Tr2 ≠  4), they display Rx(S21) "Limit test result: Pass" on the user form (object name: frmDupRes) against a blue background.

Lines 3480 to 3540

When channel 1's limit test result is Fail (Test_Ch1 = 2), these lines display "Overall limit test result: Fail" on the user form (object name: frmDupRes) against a red background. On the other hand, when channel 1's limit test result is Pass (Test_Ch1 ≠  2), they display "Overall limit test result: Pass" on the user form (object name: frmDupRes) against a blue background.

Lines 3560 to 3600

Display the analysis results for traces 1 and 2 (insertion loss and band-pass ripple) as Tx(S13) and Rx(S21), respectively, on the user form (object name: frmDupRes).

Sample Program

Duplexer measurement (object name: mdlDupMeas)

10| Sub Main()


30| Dim CalKit As Long, Dmy As Long, Rgst As Long, I As Long, Buff As Long

40| Dim Test_Ch1 As Integer, Test_Tr1 As Integer, Test_Tr2 As Integer

50| Dim IlossTx As Variant, IlossRx As Variant

60| Dim RipTx As Double, RipRx As Double

70| Dim Port As Variant


90| CalKit = 4 'Calibration kit :85032F


110| SCPI.DISPlay.ENABle = False


130| '''Presetting the E5071C



160| '''Setting measurement conditions

170| SCPI.INITiate(1).CONTinuous = True

180| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.Source = "BUS"


200| Setup_Parameter


220| Setup_Segment


240| '''Full 3-port calibration

250| SCPI.SENSe(1).CORRection.COLLect.CKIT.Select = CalKit

260| Port = Array(1, 2, 3)


280| Calib_Solt 1, 3, Port


300| '''Setting analysis conditions

310| Setup_Limitline


330| Setup_Register


350| Meas_Start:


370| '''Connecting DUT

380| MsgBox "Connect DUT between test cables."


400| '''Performing single sweep

410| SCPI.IEEE4882.CLS

420| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle

430| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC





480| '''Judging limit test

490| Rgst = SCPI.STATus.QUEStionable.LIMit.EVENt

500| Test_Ch1 = CInt(Rgst And 2)

510| Rgst = SCPI.STATus.QUEStionable.LIMit.CHANnel(1).EVENt

520| Test_Tr1 = CInt(Rgst And 2)

530| Test_Tr2 = CInt(Rgst And 4)


550| '''Analyzing insertion loss/bandpass ripple

560| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(1).Select

570| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DOMain.STARt = 1850000000#

580| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DOMain.STOP = 1910000000#

590| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DOMain.STATe = True

600| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.PPOLarity = "both"

610| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.PEXCursion = 0

620| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.TYPE = "MIN"

630| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.EXECute

640| IlossTx = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DATA

650| RipTx = MaxPeakToPeak(1)


670| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(2).Select

680| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DOMain.STARt = 1930000000#

690| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DOMain.STOP = 1990000000#

700| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DOMain.STATe = True

710| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.PPOLarity = "both"

720| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.PEXCursion = 0

730| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.TYPE = "MIN"

740| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.EXECute

750| IlossRx = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.FUNCtion.DATA

760| RipRx = MaxPeakToPeak(1)


780| '''Displaying the results

790| Display_Update Test_Tr1, Test_Tr2, Test_Ch1, IlossTx, IlossRx, RipTx, RipRx


810| frmDupRes.Show


830| Buff = MsgBox("Do you make another measurement?", vbYesNo, "Duplexer Measurement")


850| If Buff = vbYes Then

860| GoTo Meas_Start

870| End If


890| End Sub


910| Private Sub Setup_Parameter()


930| Dim I As Long

940| Dim ChDisp As String, TracDisp As String

950| Dim Par(1) As String, Fmt(1) As String


970| ChDisp = "D1"

980| TracDisp = "D1_2"

990| Par(0) = "S13"

1000| Par(1) = "S21"

1010| Fmt(0) = "MLOG"

1020| Fmt(1) = "MLOG"


1040| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter.Count = 2

1050| SCPI.DISPlay.Split = ChDisp

1060| SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(1).Split = TracDisp


1080| For I = 1 To 2

1090| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(I).DEFine = Par(I - 1)

1100| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(I).Select

1110| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.Format = Fmt(I - 1)

1120| Next I


1140| End Sub


1160| Private Sub Setup_Segment()


1180| Dim SegmData(21) As Variant


1200| SegmData(0) = 5 'Anytime 5 is set at seg ment settings

1210| SegmData(1) = 0 'Allows stimulus range to be set using Start/Stop frequency

1220| SegmData(2) = 0 'Not allows IF bandwidth to be set

1230| SegmData(3) = 0 'Not allows power to be set

1240| SegmData(4) = 0 'Not allows delay time to be set

1250| SegmData(5) = 0 'Not allows sweep time to be set

1260| SegmData(6) = 5 'Number of segments


1280| '''Segment 1

1290| SegmData(7) = 1730000000# 'Start frequency

1300| SegmData(8) = 1830000000# 'Stop frequency

1310| SegmData(9) = 50 'Number of points

1320| '''Segment 2

1330| SegmData(10) = 1830000000# 'Start frequency

1340| SegmData(11) = 2030000000# 'Stop frequency

1350| SegmData(12) = 400 'Number of points

1360| '''Segment 3

1370| SegmData(13) = 2030000000# 'Start frequency

1380| SegmData(14) = 2130000000# 'Stop frequency

1390| SegmData(15) = 50 'Number of points

1400| '''Segment 4

1410| SegmData(16) = 3650000000# 'Start frequency

1420| SegmData(17) = 4030000000# 'Stop frequency

1430| SegmData(18) = 38 'Number of points

1440| '''Segment 5

1450| SegmData(19) = 5500000000# 'Start frequency

1460| SegmData(20) = 6020000000# 'Stop frequency

1470| SegmData(21) = 52 'Number of points


1490| SCPI.SENSe(1).SEGMent.DATA = SegmData

1500| SCPI.SENSe(1).SWEep.TYPE = "SEGM"

1510| SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(1).X.SPACing = "OBAS"


1530| End Sub


1550| Private Sub Calib_Solt(Chan As Long, SoltType As Long, Port A s Variant)


1570| Dim Dmy As Long, I As Long, J As Long, Buff As Long


1590| Cal_Start:


1610| Buff = MsgBox("Perform the full " & SoltType & "-port calib ration.", vbOKCancel, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calibration")

1620| If Buff = vbCancel Then

1630| GoTo Cal_Skip

1640| End If


1660| Select Case SoltType

1670| Case 1

1680| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.METHod.SOLT1 = Port(0)

1690| Case 2

1700| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.METHod.SOLT2 = Port

1710| Case 3

1720| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.METHod.SOLT3 = Port

1730| Case 4

1740| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.METHod.SOLT4 = Port

1750| End Select


1770| For I = 1 To SoltType


1790| Buff = MsgBox("Connect the Open standard to Port " & CS tr(Port(I - 1)) & ".", vbOKCancel, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calibr ation")

1800| If Buff = vbOK Then

1810| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.OPEN = Port(I - 1)

1820| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

1830| Else

1840| GoTo Cal_Start

1850| End If


1870| Buff = MsgBox("Connect the Short standard to Port " & C Str(Port(I - 1)) & ".", vbOKCancel, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calib ration")

1880| If Buff = vbOK Then

1890| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.Short = Port(I - 1)

1900| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

1910| Else

1920| GoTo Cal_Start

1930| End If


1950| Buff = MsgBox("Connect the Load standard to Port " & CS tr(Port(I - 1)) & ".", vbOKCancel, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calibr ation")

1960| If Buff = vbOK Then

1970| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.Load = Port(I - 1)

1980| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

1990| Else

2000| GoTo Cal_Start

2010| End If

2020| Next I


2040| For I = 1 To SoltType - 1

2050| For J = I + 1 To SoltType

2060| Buff = MsgBox("Connect the Thru standard between Por t " & CStr(Port(I - 1)) & " and Port " & CStr(Port(J - 1)) & ".", vb OKCancel, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calibration")

2070| If Buff = vbOK Then

2080| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.THRU = Array(Port(I - 1), Port(J - 1))

2090| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

2100| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.THRU = Array(Port(J - 1), Port(I - 1))

2110| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

2120| Else

2130| GoTo Cal_Start

2140| End If

2150| Next J

2160| Next I


2180| If SoltType <> 1 Then

2190| Buff = MsgBox("Do you measure the Isolation (Optional)? ", vbYesNo, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calibration")

2200| If Buff = vbYes Then

2210| For I = 1 To SoltType - 1

2220| For J = I + 1 To SoltType

2230| Buff = MsgBox("Connect the Load standard to Port " & Port(I - 1) & " and Port " & Port(J - 1) & ".", vbOKCancel, "Full" & SoltType & "-port calibration")

2240| If Buff = vbOK Then

2250| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.ISOLation = Array(Port( I - 1), Port(J - 1))

2260| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

2270| SCPI.SENSe(Chan).CORRection.COLLect.ACQuire.ISOLation = Array(Port( J - 1), Port(I - 1))

2280| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC

2290| Else

2300| GoTo Cal_Start

2310| End If

2320| Next J

2330| Next I

2340| End If

2350| End If


2370| SCPI.SENSe(1).CORRection.COLLect.SAVE

2380| MsgBox "All calibration data completion."


2400| Cal_Skip:


2420| End Sub


2440| Private Sub Setup_Limitline()


2460| Dim LimDataS13(25) As Variant, LimDataS21(20) As Variant


2480| '''Limit line for S13

2490| LimDataS13(0) = 5 'Number of segment

2500| '''Limit_line 1

2510| LimDataS13(1) = 1 'Maximum

2520| LimDataS13(2) = 1730000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2530| LimDataS13(3) = 1930000000# 'End of stimulus

2540| LimDataS13(4) = 0 'Beginning of response

2550| LimDataS13(5) = 0 'End of response

2560| '''Limit_line 2

2570| LimDataS13(6) = 2 'Minimum

2580| LimDataS13(7) = 1850000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2590| LimDataS13(8) = 1910000000# 'End of stimulus

2600| LimDataS13(9) = -8 'Beginning of response

2610| LimDataS13(10) = -8 'End of response

2620| '''Limit_line 3

2630| LimDataS13(11) = 1 'Maximum

2640| LimDataS13(12) = 1930000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2650| LimDataS13(13) = 1990000000# 'End of stimulus

2660| LimDataS13(14) = -35 'Beginning of response

2670| LimDataS13(15) = -35 'End of response

2680| '''Limit_line 4

2690| LimDataS13(16) = 1 'Maximum

2700| LimDataS13(17) = 1990000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2710| LimDataS13(18) = 2130000000# 'End of stimulus

2720| LimDataS13(19) = -40 'Beginning of response

2730| LimDataS13(20) = -40 'End of response

2740| '''Limit_line 5

2750| LimDataS13(21) = 1 'Maximum

2760| LimDataS13(22) = 2130000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2770| LimDataS13(23) = 6020000000# 'End of stimulus

2780| LimDataS13(24) = -20 'Beginning of response

2790| LimDataS13(25) = -20 'End of response


2810| '''Limit line for S21

2820| LimDataS21(0) = 4 'Number of segment

2830| '''Limit_line 1

2840| LimDataS21(1) = 1 'Maximum

2850| LimDataS21(2) = 1730000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2860| LimDataS21(3) = 1850000000# 'End of stimulus

2870| LimDataS21(4) = -40 'Beginning of response

2880| LimDataS21(5) = -40 'End of response

2890| '''Limit_line 2

2900| LimDataS21(6) = 1 'Maximum

2910| LimDataS21(7) = 1850000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2920| LimDataS21(8) = 1910000000# 'End of stimulus

2930| LimDataS21(9) = -40 'Beginning of response

2940| LimDataS21(10) = -40 'End of response

2950| '''Limit_line 3

2960| LimDataS21(11) = 1 'Maximum

2970| LimDataS21(12) = 1910000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

2980| LimDataS21(13) = 6020000000# 'End of stimulus

2990| LimDataS21(14) = 0 'Beginning of response

3000| LimDataS21(15) = 0 'End of response

3010| '''Limit_line 4

3020| LimDataS21(16) = 2 'Minimum

3030| LimDataS21(17) = 1930000000# 'Beginning of stimulus

3040| LimDataS21(18) = 1990000000# 'End of stimulus

3050| LimDataS21(19) = -10 'Beginning of response

3060| LimDataS21(20) = -10 'End of response


3080| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(1).Select

3090| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.LIMit.DATA = LimDataS13

3100| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.LIMit.DISPlay.STATe = True

3110| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.LIMit.STATe = True


3130| SCPI.CALCulate(1).PARameter(2).Select

3140| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.LIMit.DATA = LimDataS21

3150| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.LIMit.DISPlay.STATe = True

3160| SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.LIMit.STATe = True


3180| End Sub


3200| Private Sub Setup_Register()


3220| SCPI.STATus.QUEStionable.LIMit.CHANnel(1).PTRansition = 6

3230| SCPI.STATus.QUEStionable.LIMit.CHANnel(1).NTRansition = 0

3240| SCPI.STATus.QUEStionable.LIMit.CHANnel(1).ENABle = 6


3260| End Sub


3280| Sub Display_Update(Test_Tr1 As Integer, Test_Tr2 As Integer, Test_Ch1 As Integer, IlossTx As Variant, IlossRx As Variant, RipTx As Variant, RipRx As Variant)


3300| SCPI.DISPlay.UPDate.IMMediate


3320| If Test_Tr1 = 2 Then

3330| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS13.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)

3340| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS13.Caption = "Fail"

3350| Else

3360| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS13.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)

3370| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS13.Caption = "Pass"

3380| End If


3400| If Test_Tr2 = 4 Then

3410| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS21.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)

3420| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS21.Caption = "Fail"

3430| Else

3440| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS21.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)

3450| frmDupRes.lblJudgeS21.Caption = "Pass"

3460| End If


3480| If Test_Ch1 = 2 Then

3490| frmDupRes.lblResult.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)

3500| frmDupRes.lblResult.Caption = "Fail"

3510| Else

3520| frmDupRes.lblResult.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)

3530| frmDupRes.lblResult.Caption = "Pass"

3540| End If


3560| frmDupRes.txtIlossS13.Text = Format(IlossTx(0), "0.#### ")

3570| frmDupRes.txtIlossS21.Text = Format(IlossRx(0), "0.#### ")


3590| frmDupRes.txtRipS13.Text = Format(RipTx, "0.####")

3600| frmDupRes.txtRipS21.Text = Format(RipRx, "0.####")


3620| End Sub