Reading/Writing Measurement Data

Other topics about Controlling E5071C


This section describes how to process the E5071C's internal data. You can use these internal data arrays: corrected data arrays, corrected memory arrays, formatted data arrays, formatted memory arrays, and stimulus data arrays. For more information on the internal data arrays, see Internal Data Processing.

To read/write a formatted data array, formatted memory array, corrected data array, or corrected memory array use the following objects:

To read a stimulus data array, use the following objects:

The E5071C VBA allows you to deal with multiple pieces of data through variables of Variant type. Variant variables can contain any type of data, allowing you to deal with array data without being aware of the number of elements. For example, a formatted data array that includes 5 measurement points is stored as shown in the following figure. Note that a formatted data array always contains 2 data items per measurement point, whichever data format is used. For more information on contained data, see Internal Data Processing. you can find a table that describes the relationship between contained data items and data formats.

Example storing data into a Variant variable


For example, you may wish to read the formatted data array for a particular trace in its entirety (including all measurement points), display the data in the echo window, and then write the data into another trace. How to implement such a process can be better understood with the aid of a sample program.

Sample program is available to download from the Keysight Support page, named "read_write.vba", that demonstrates how to read and write measurement data. This VBA program consists of the following modules:

Object name

Module type




Reads, displays, and writes a formatted data array.


Standard module

Invokes a UserForm.

When you run this VBA program, a following window appears.

UserForm of read_write.vba program


The program lets the user specify the channel to be controlled.

  1. The program lets the user specify which trace's formatted data array to read (source trace).

  2. The program reads the formatted data array for the trace specified by the user, display the measurement results in the echo window, and write the data into the trace specified by the user. For detail, see the description of the code window.

  3. The program lets the user specify which trace's formatted data array to overwrite (target trace).

  4. The program exits, and the window disappears.


In Visual Basic Editor, open the UserForm (object name: frmReadWrite), and double-click the entire UserForm or the Copy -> or Exit button to bring up the code window. The following is the description of the subprograms associated with the respective buttons.

Procedure called when the user clicks the Copy button on the UserForm (lines 10 to 520)

Lines 90 to 160

These lines identify the selected items in each list and store them into the variables TrGet, TrPut, and ActCh.

Lines 180 to 210

If the specified target trace is not displayed, these lines display that trace.

Lines 230 to 250

These lines make active the specified trace (TrGet: source trace) in the specified channel(ActCh) and hold the sweep.

Line 260

Reads the number of measurement points for the specified channel (ActCh) and stores that number into the Nop variable.

Line 280

Reads the formatted data array for the active trace (source trace) and store the data into the FmtData variable.

Line 290

Reads the stimulus array for the specified channel (ActCh) and stores the data into the Freq variable.

Line 330

Reads the data format for the active trace (source trace) and store it into the Fmt variable.

Lines 340 to 350

These lines display the echo window in the lower part of the LCD screen.

Lines 360 to 470

The lines display, in the echo window, each point along with one measured value (the odd part of the index is always 0) and a frequency if the Fmt is "MLOG", "PHAS", "GDEL", "MLIN", "SWR", "REAL", "IMAG", or "UPH"; or along with two measured values and a frequency if Fmt$ returns any other string.

Line 490

Makes active the specified trace (TrPut: target trace) in the specified channel(ActCh).

Line 500

Writes the formatted data array (FmtData) into the active trace (target trace).

Procedure called when the user clicks the Exit button on the UserForm (lines 540 to 580)

Line 560

Unloads the UserForm from the memory, and terminates the program.

Procedure that initializes the UserForm (lines 600 to 1020)

Lines 620 to 1000

When the program is launched, these lines add each list item and set the default value for each list.

Sample Program

 Reading/displaying/writing a formatted data array (read_write.frm)

10| Private Sub cmdCopy_Click()


30| Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer, Z As Integer, I As Integer

40| Dim ActCh As Long, TrGet As Long, TrPut As Long

50| Dim TrCont As Long, Nop As Long

60| Dim FmtData As Variant, Freq As Variant

70| Dim Fmt As String


90| X = cboCh.ListIndex

100| ActCh = X + 1


120| Y = cboGet.ListIndex

130| TrGet = Y + 1


150| Z = cboPut.ListIndex

160| TrPut = Z + 1


180| TrCont = SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).PARameter.Count

190| If TrCont < TrPut Then

200| SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).PARameter.Count = TrPut

210| End If


230| SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).PARameter(TrGet).SELect

240| SCPI.INITiate(ActCh).CONTinuous = False


260| Nop = SCPI.SENSe(ActCh).SWEep.POINts


280| FmtData = SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).SELected.Data.FDATa

290| Freq = SCPI.SENSe(ActCh).FREQuency.Data


310| '''Displays the formatted data


330| Fmt = SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).SELected.Format


350| SCPI.DISPlay.TABLe.STATe = True

360| Select Case Fmt

370| Case "MLOG", "PHAS", "GDEL", "MLIN", "SWR", "REAL", "IMAG", "UPH"

380| ECHO "Nop", "Frequency(GHz)", "Data"

390| For I = 0 To Nop - 1

400| ECHO I + 1, Freq(I) / 1000000000#, FmtData(2 * I)

410| Next I

420| Case Else

430| ECHO "Nop", "Frequency(GHz)", "Data1", "Data2"

440| For I = 0 To Nop - 1

450| ECHO I + 1, Freq(I) / 1000000000#, FmtData(2 * I), FmtData(2 * I + 1)

460| Next I

470| End Select


490| SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).PARameter(TrPut).SELect

500| SCPI.CALCulate(ActCh).SELected.Data.FDATa = FmtData


520| End Sub


540| Private Sub cmdExit_Click()


560| Unload Me


580| End Sub


600| Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()


620| With cboCh

630| .AddItem "CH1"

640| .AddItem "CH2"

650| .AddItem "CH3"

660| .AddItem "CH4"

670| .AddItem "CH5"

680| .AddItem "CH6"

690| .AddItem "CH7"

700| .AddItem "CH8"

710| .AddItem "CH9"

720| End With


740| With cboGet

750| .AddItem "Trace 1"

760| .AddItem "Trace 2"

770| .AddItem "Trace 3"

780| .AddItem "Trace 4"

790| .AddItem "Trace 5"

800| .AddItem "Trace 6"

810| .AddItem "Trace 7"

820| .AddItem "Trace 8"

830| .AddItem "Trace 9"

840| End With


860| With cboPut

870| .AddItem "Trace 1"

880| .AddItem "Trace 2"

890| .AddItem "Trace 3"

900| .AddItem "Trace 4"

910| .AddItem "Trace 5"

920| .AddItem "Trace 6"

930| .AddItem "Trace 7"

940| .AddItem "Trace 8"

950| .AddItem "Trace 9"

960| End With


980| cboCh.ListIndex = 0

990| cboGet.ListIndex = 0

1000| cboPut.ListIndex = 0


1020| End Sub