Window 1-8 Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Window 1 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 2 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 3 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 4 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 5 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 6 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 7 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window 8 | On/Off | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Window Setup Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Select | WinN | DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:SELect |
Window Title... | Enable | DISPlay:WINDow:TITLe[:STATe] |
Title | DISPlay:WINDow:TITLe[:DATA] | |
Add Window | New Window | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
New Trace + Window | DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe[:STATe] | |
New Trace + Channel + Window | None | |
Delete Window | WinN | DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] |
Move Window... | DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:MOVE | |
Window Layout | 1 Window | DISPlay:ARRange |
2 Windows | DISPlay:ARRange | |
3 Windows | DISPlay:ARRange | |
4 Windows | DISPlay:ARRange | |
1 Trace per Window | DISPlay:ARRange | |
1 Channel per Window | DISPlay:ARRange | |
Tile Windows | DISPlay:ARRange | |
Sheet Setup Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Select | Sheet N | DISPlay:SHEet:STATe |
Sheet Title... | DISPlay:SHEet:TITle:DATA | |
Add Sheet | New Sheet | DISPlay:SHEet:STATe |
New Trace + Sheet | DISPlay:WINDow:FEED | |
New Trace + Channel + Sheet | None | |
Delete Sheet | Sheet N | DISPlay:SHEet:STATe |
Sheet Layout | 1 Sheet | DISPlay:SHEet:ARRange |
1 Trace per Sheet | DISPlay:SHEet:ARRange | |
1 Channel per Sheet | DISPlay:SHEet:ARRange | |
1 Window per Sheet | DISPlay:SHEet:ARRange | |
Display Setup Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Trace Maximize |
Window Max |
Show Table |
None |
Marker |
Limit |
Ripple |
Segment |
Customize Display... | Labels | |
Trace Status | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation[:TRACe][:STATe] | |
Y-axis Labels | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:Y[:STATe] | |
X-axis Labels | None | |
Markers | ||
Show Marker Readout | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer[:STATe] | |
Large Readout | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:SIZE | |
Active Trace Only | None | |
Readouts Per Trace | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:NUMBer | |
Symbol - Triangle, Flag, and Line | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:SYMBol | |
Symbols Above Trace | None | |
Decimal Places - Stimulus and Response | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:RESolution:STIMulus DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:RESolution:RESPonse |
Readout Position - X and Y | DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:XPOSition DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation:MARKer:YPOSition |
Independent Position Per Trace | None | |
Active TrN | None | |
Marker Colors... | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MARKer | |
N Trace: Markers | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MARKer | |
N Trace: Memory Markers | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MMARker | |
Change Color... | None | |
Reset Color | DISPlay:COLor:RESet | |
Save Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:STORe | |
Recall Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:LOAD | |
Reset Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:RESet | |
Grid | ||
Grid Lines - Solid | Dotted | DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:GRATicule:GRID:LTYPe | |
Y-axis Divisions - 2 to 30 | DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:PDIVision | |
Show Table - None, Marker, Limit, Ripple, and Segment | DISPlay:WINDow:TABLe | |
Toolbars | ||
Softkey | DISPlay:TOOLbar:ENTRy[:STATe] | |
Hardkey | DISPlay:TOOLbar:KEYS[:STATe] | |
Port Extensions | DISPlay:TOOLbar:EXTensions[:STATe] | |
Transform | DISPlay:TOOLbar:TRANsform[:STATe] | |
Marker | DISPlay:TOOLbar:MARKer[:STATe] | |
Cal Set Viewer | DISPlay:TOOLbar:CSET[:STATe] | |
Main Title Bar | None | |
Menu Bar | None | |
Active Entry Toolbar | DISPlay:TOOLbar:ENTry[:STATe] | |
Status Bar | DISPlay:ANNotation[:STATus] | |
- 2 Bars | None | |
- Clock | SYSTem:CLOCk[:STATe] | |
Display Sheet Tabs | ||
Top | None | |
Bottom | None | |
Tools | ||
Tool | None | |
Active Entry | None | |
Softkey | None | |
Colors | ||
Default | DISPlay:COLor:RESet | |
Light Gray | None | |
Dark Gray | None | |
Blue | None | |
Display Colors... Print Colors... |
Background | DISPlay:COLor:BACKground | |
Active Background | DISPlay:COLor:ABACkground | |
Grid | DISPlay:COLor:GRAT2 | |
Active Labels, Grid Frame | DISPlay:COLor:GRAT1 | |
Inactive Window Labels | DISPlay:COLor:ILABel | |
Failed Trace | DISPlay:COLor:LIM1 | |
N Trace: Data and Limits | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:DATA | |
N Trace: Memory | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MEMory | |
N Trace: Markers | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MARKer | |
N Trace: Memory Markers | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MMARker | |
Change Color... | None | |
Reset Color | None | |
Save Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:STORe | |
Recall Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:LOAD | |
Reset Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:RESet | |
Touchscreen |
Calibration Touchscreen |
None |
Display Update | ON/OFF | DISPlay:UPDate[:STATe] DISPlay:UPDate:IMMediate |