GPIB using Visual C++

 See Other SCPI Example Programs

 * This example assumes the user's PC has a National Instruments GPIB board. The example is comprised of three basic parts:
 * 1. Initialization
 * 2. Main Body
 * 3. Cleanup
 * The Initialization portion consists of getting a handle to the VNA and then doing a GPIB clear of the VNA.
 * The Main Body consists of the VNA SCPI example.
 * The last step, Cleanup, releases the VNA for front panel control.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * Include the WINDOWS.H and DECL-32.H files. The standard Windows
 * header file, WINDOWS.H, contains definitions used by DECL-32.H and
 * DECL-32.H contains prototypes for the NI GPIB routines and constants.
#include <windows.h>
#include "decl-32.h"

#define ERRMSGSIZE 1024 // Maximum size of SCPI command string
#define ARRAYSIZE 1024 // Size of read buffer

#define BDINDEX 0 // Board Index of GPIB board
#define PRIMARY_ADDR_OF_PNA 16 // GPIB address of VNA
#define NO_SECONDARY_ADDR 0 // VNA has no Secondary address
#define TIMEOUT T10s // Timeout value = 10 seconds
#define EOTMODE 1 // Enable the END message
#define EOSMODE 0 // Disable the EOS mode

int pna;
char ValueStr[ARRAYSIZE + 1];
char ErrorMnemonic[21][5] = {"EDVR", "ECIC", "ENOL", "EADR", "EARG",
  "ESAC", "EABO", "ENEB", "EDMA", "",
  "EOIP", "ECAP", "EFSO", "", "EBUS",
  "ESTB", "ESRQ", "", "", "", "ETAB"};

void GPIBWrite(char* SCPIcmd);
char *GPIBRead(void);
void GPIBCleanup(int Dev, char* ErrorMsg);

int main()

char *opc;
char *result;
char *value;

 * =========================================
 * =========================================

  * The application brings the VNA online using ibdev. A device handle,VNA, is returned and is used in all subsequent calls to the VNA.
  if (ibsta & ERR)
  printf("Unable to open handle to PNA/nibsta = 0x%x iberr = %d/n",
  ibsta, iberr);
  return 1;

  * Do a GPIB Clear of the VNA. If the error bit ERR is set in ibsta, call GPIBCleanup with an error message.
  ibclr (pna);
  if (ibsta & ERR)
  GPIBCleanup(pna, "Unable to perform GPIB clear of the PNA");
  return 1;

 * =========================================
 * =========================================

  // Reset the analyzer to instrument preset
  // Create S11 measurement
  GPIBWrite("CALCulate1:PARameter:DEFine:EXT 'My_S11',S11");
  // Turn on Window #1
  GPIBWrite("DISPlay:WINDow1:STATe ON");
  // Put a trace (Trace #1) into Window #1 and 'feed' it from the measurement
  GPIBWrite("DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:FEED 'My_S11'");
  // Setup the channel for single sweep trigger
  GPIBWrite("INITiate1:CONTinuous OFF;*OPC?");
  opc = GPIBRead();
  GPIBWrite("SENSe1:SWEep:TRIGger:POINt OFF");

  // Set channel parameters
  GPIBWrite("SENSe1:SWEep:POINts 11");
  GPIBWrite("SENSe1:FREQuency:STARt 1000000000");
  GPIBWrite("SENSe1:FREQuency:STOP 2000000000");

  // Send a trigger to initiate a single sweep
  opc = GPIBRead();
  // Must select the measurement before we can read the data
  GPIBWrite("CALCulate1:PARameter:SELect 'My_S11'");
  // Read the measurement data into the "result" string variable
  GPIBWrite("FORMat ASCII");
  GPIBWrite("CALCulate1:DATA? FDATA");
  result = GPIBRead();
  // Print the data to the display console window
printf("S11(dB) - Visual C++ SCPI Example for PNA/n/n");
  value = strtok(result, ",");
while (value != NULL)
  printf("%s/n", value);
  value = strtok(NULL, ",");

 * =========================================
 * =========================================

  /* The VNA is returned to front panel control. */
  ibonl(pna, 0);

  return 0;

 * Write to the VNA
void GPIBWrite(char* SCPIcmd)
int length;
char ErrorMsg[ERRMSGSIZE + 1];
length = strlen(SCPIcmd) ;

  ibwrt (pna, SCPIcmd, length);
  if (ibsta & ERR)
  strcpy(ErrorMsg, "Unable to write this command to PNA:/n");
  strcat(ErrorMsg, SCPIcmd);

  GPIBCleanup(pna, ErrorMsg);

 * Read from the VNA
char* GPIBRead(void)
  ibrd (pna, ValueStr, ARRAYSIZE);
  if (ibsta & ERR)
  GPIBCleanup(pna, "Unable to read from the PNA");
  return ValueStr;

 * After each GPIB call, the application checks whether the call succeeded. If an NI-488.2 call fails, the GPIB driver sets the corresponding bit in the global status variable. If the call failed, this procedure prints an error message, takes the VNA offline and exits.
void GPIBCleanup(int Dev, char* ErrorMsg)
  printf("Error : %s/nibsta = 0x%x iberr = %d (%s)/n",
  ErrorMsg, ibsta, iberr, ErrorMnemonic[iberr]);
  if (Dev != -1)
  printf("Cleanup: Returning PNA to front panel control/n");
  ibonl (Dev, 0);