Meas Commands - Gain Compression Measurement Class

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Compression Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
CompIn21 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
CompOut21 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
DeltaGain21 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
CompGain21 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
CompS11 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Ref21 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Other... S21, S11, S12, S22, AI1, AI2, CompIn21, CompOut21, DeltaGain21, CompGain21, CompS11, Ref21, CompAI1, CompAI2 CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Meas Class...   CALCulate:MEASure:DEFine
S-Param Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
S11 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
S21 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
S12 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
S22 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Other... S21, S11, S12, S22, AI1, AI2, CompIn21, CompOut21, DeltaGain21, CompGain21, CompS11, Ref21, CompAI1, CompAI2 CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Auxiliary Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
AuxIn1 Source Port 1 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
AuxIn2 Source Port 1 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
CompAI1 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
CompAI2 On/Off CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Other... S21, S11, S12, S22, AI1, AI2, CompIn21, CompOut21, DeltaGain21, CompGain21, CompS11, Ref21, CompAI1, CompAI2 CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter
Meas Setup Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI


Correction Channel Correction On SENSe:CORRection[:STATe]
Channel Correction Off


Cal Set...


Smart Cal...


Trace Hold


Equation Editor...




Time Domain...



Pulse Setup...