The VNA as a USB Device

VNA can be controlled as a USB Device using SCPI. This is done through the Keysight I/O Libraries which must be installed on your remote computer.

All data types, especially Binary block data, transfer MUCH faster using USB as compared to GPIB.

To communicate with the VNA as a USB device

  1. Connect the VNA to the remote computer using the rear-panel device-side USB connector.

  2. The 'Found New Hardware' wizard is launched. Follow the prompts to install the VNA driver software.

  3. The Keysight I/O Libraries will recognize the VNA as a Test and Measurement device and show the following dialog.

Note:  The VNA is not a USB Mass Storage Device. Therefore,  Windows Explorer does NOT recognize it as a USB device. You can NOT use Windows Explorer to transfer files to and from the VNA.  For file transfer, use the SCPI command MMEM:TRANsfer.

Alias name  Change this to a name that is easy to recognize. Once configured, use the Alias name to communicate with the USB device using applications such as VISA and SICL:

For more information, see the Connectivity Guide in the Keysight I/O libraries.

Last Modified:


First Release