Hardware Information


Displays the slot in which the board is located.

Assembly Name

Displays the name and description of the PXB assembly.


Product Number
Displays the part number of the assembly.


Serial Number
Displays the serial number of the assembly.


Displays the hardware revision code of the assembly. (This code is for internal use only. You may be asked for this code by your Agilent representative if the PXB is suspected of having a hardware problem.)


OF Rev.

Displays the order fulfillment code of the assembly. (This code is for internal use only. You may be asked for this code by your Agilent representative if the PXB is suspected of having a hardware problem.)



Displays the hardware revision ID code of the assembly. (This code is for internal use only. You may be asked for this code by your Agilent representative if the PXB is suspected of having a hardware problem.)