In the uplink, the Enhanced Dedicated Physical Data Channel (E-DPDCH) is the physical channel used by the Enhanced Dedicate Control Channel (E-DCCH) to transmit user data.


2. E-DCH


Data (Main)

Power (Main)

Data (Alternate)

Power (Alternate)

Miscellaneous Information (E-DCH)

SF and Number of E-DPDCHs (Main)

CRC Length

SF and Number of E-DPDCHs (Alternate)

Coding Type

Maximum Channel Codes

Coding Rate

Modulation Capability

Puncture Rate [%]

PL non-max




Miscellaneous Information (E-DPDCH)


Binary Channel Bits per TTI (N-BIN)


IQ Branch Mapping


Channel Code


Spreading Factor


Bit Rate [kbps]


E-DPDCH Configuration Summary Table

This section defines the Settings Current and Apply Needed buttons. Only one button is available at any time. These buttons are available in all of the W-CDMA/HSPA+ Uplink's tree nodes.

This button indicates that the current real-time settings have been applied to the instrument. No action is required.

This button indicates that the instrument settings are not current and need to be updated to be applied to the instrument. Click this button to update the instrument's settings.





Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Enables or disables the E-DPDCH state.



Power (Main)

Range: –40 to 0 dB

Default: 0 dB

Set the E-DPDCH power in dB. This power is assigned to each E-DPDCH when multiple E-DPDCHs are configured. The entered power is typically set to the channels as SF4. Where the E-DPDCHs are configured to SF2x2 + SF4x2, the channel power of SF2 is 3.01 dB higher than the entered power.



Power (Alternate)

Range: –40 to 0

Default: 0

Set the power of the alternate E-DPDCH setting in dB. This field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is MAIN ALL. This power is assigned to each e_DPDCH when multiple E-DPDCHs are configured. The entered power is set to the channels as SF4. Where the E-DPDCHs are configured to SF2x2 + SF4x2, the channel power of SF2 is 3.01 dB higher than the entered power.



SF and Number of E-DPDCHs (Main)

Choice: SF256x1 | SF128x1 | SF64x1 | SF32x1 | SF16x1 | SF8x1 | SF4x1 | SF4x2 | SF2x2 | SF2x2+SF4x2 | AUTO

Default: SF4x1

Select Spreading Factor (SF) and Number of E-DPDCHs configuration on the main setting.



SF and Number of E-DPDCHs (Alternate)

Choice: SF256x1 | SF128x1 | SF64x1 | SF32x1 | SF16x1 | SF8x1 | SF4x1 | SF4x2 | SF2x2 | SF2x2+SF4x2

Default: SF4x1

Select Spreading Factor (SF) and Number of E-DPDCHs configuration on the alternate setting. This field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is MAIN ALL.


Set the spreading factor to 256 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 128 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 64 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 32 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 16 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 8 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 4 and the number of E-DPDCH to 1


Set the spreading factor to 4 and the number of E-DPDCH to 2


Set the spreading factor to 2 and the number of E-DPDCH to 2


Set the spreading factor to 4 for 2 E-DPDCHs and the spreading factor to 2 for 2 E-DPDCHs



Maximum Channel Codes

Choice: SF256x1 | SF128x1 | SF64x1 | SF32x1 | SF16x1 | SF8x1 | SF4x1 | SF4x2 | SF2x2 | SF2x2 + SF4x2

Default: SF2x2 + SF4x2

Select Spreading Factor (SF) and the number of E-DPDCHs configuration. This field is enabled when SF and Number of E-DPDCHs is "AUTO".



Modulation Capability

Choice: QPSK (2 x BPSK) | 16QAM (2 x 4PAM)

Default: QPSK

Set the E-DPDCH modulation capability




Range: 0.44 to 1.0

Default: 0.44

Set the PL non-max E-DPDCH setting. This field is enabled when SF and Number of E-DPDCHs is AUTO.



Data (E-DPDCH)

Choice: PN9 | FIX4 | E-DCH | Custom Pattern| User File

Default: E-DCH

Edit the Data of the uplink E-DPDCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedData dialog box. When E-DCH is selected, this applies the defined data in the E-DCH data and to the E-DCH coding.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.


This choice selects the transport channel as the data source.

Custom Pattern

Sets the E-DPDCH data pattern to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 81,920 patterns.


This variable represents a data pattern file stored in instrument memory. The data pattern must contain at least one bit or the Play function will not work .



If you select <"filename">, PATTern or FIX4, use the following commands to create the pattern:





Miscellaneous Information (E-DPDCH)

Binary Channel Bits per TTI (N-BIN)

Indicates the Binary Channel Bits per TTI (N-BIN). The alternate field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is set to MAIN ALL. This parameter is not editable.

IQ Branch Mapping

Indicates the IQ branch assignment [I or Q] of E-DPDCH. When multiple E-DPDCHs are configured, multiple IQ assignment are indicated. The alternate field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is MAIN ALL. This parameter is not editable.

Channel Code

Indicates the E-DPDCH Channel Code that is currently configured. When multiple E-DPDCHs are configured, multiple Channel Code assignments are indicated. The alternate field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is MAIN ALL. This parameter is not editable.

Spreading Factor

Indicates the E-DPDCH Spreading Factor(s) that is currently configured. When multiple E-DPDCHs are configured, multiple Spreading Factor assignments are indicated. The alternate field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is MAIN ALL. This parameter is not editable.

Bit Rate [kbps]

Indicates the E-DPDCH Bit Rate [kbps] that is currently configured. When multiple E-DPDCHs are configured, multiple bit rate assignments are indicated. The alternate field is disabled when TFC E-TFCI Pattern is MAIN ALL. This parameter is not editable.


Data (Main)

Choice: PN9 | FIX4 | Custom Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

Edit the Data (Main) of the uplink E-DCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedData (Main) dialog box.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.


Sets E-PCH data pattern to PN9.


Sets the E-DPCCH data pattern to FIX4 (4-bit binary).

Custom Pattern

Sets the E-DCH data pattern to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 81,920 patterns.


This variable represents a data pattern file stored in instrument memory. The data pattern must contain at least one bit or the Play function will not work.



If you select <"filename">, PATTern or FIX4, use the following commands to create the pattern:





Data (Alternate)

Choice: PN9 | FIX4 | Custom Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

Edit the Data (Alternate) of the uplink E-DCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedData (Alternate) dialog box. This field is disabled when the TFC E-TFCI Pattern is set to Main All.


Sets the data of the alternate E-DCH to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 81,920 patterns.


This variable represents a data pattern file stored in instrument memory. The data pattern must contain at least one bit or the Play function will not work.



If you select <"filename">, PATTern or FIX4, use the following commands to create the pattern:





Miscellaneous (E-DCH)

CRC Length

Indicates the CRC Length of E-DCH. This parameter is not editable.

Coding Type

Indicates the Coding Type of E-DCH. This parameter is not editable.

Coding Rate

Indicates the Coding Rate of E-DCH. This parameter is not editable.

Puncture Rate [%]

Indicate the Puncture Rate [%]. The puncture rate should be greater than 33 %. This parameter is not editable.

Puncture Rate [%] = Ne,data,j / Ne,j * 100. [defined in 3GPP STD TS 25.212]