The High-speed Dedicated Physical Control Channel (HS-DPCCH) transmits the ACK/NACK information for the physical layer re-transmissions and the channel quality information (CQI) that is used in the Node B scheduler to determine which terminal to transmit and at which data rate.

1. General Settings

2. Dual Cell and MIMO Settings


Secondary Cell Active

Channel Code

Primary Cell MIMO State

CQI Part Power

Secondary Cell MIMO State

ACK Part Power


NACK Part Power


Subframe Delay (256 Chips Unit)


ACK/NACK Pattern

Primary Cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern

CQI Pattern

Secondary Cell ACK/NACK Pattern (non-MIMO)

HS-DSCH Configured

Secondary Cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern


Primary Cell CQI (Dual Cell (non-MIMO))


Secondary Cell CQI (Dual Cell (non-MIMO))


CQI Feedback Cycle


CQI Repetition Factor










CQI MIMO Preferred Number of Transport Blocks


CQI Data Fix Pattern


ACK-NACK Repetition Factor


Preamble Mode

HS-DPCCH Configuration Summary Table

This section defines the Settings Current and Apply Needed buttons. Only one button is available at any time. These buttons are available in all of the W-CDMA/HSPA+ Uplink's tree nodes.

This button indicates that the current real-time settings have been applied to the instrument. No action is required.

This button indicates that the instrument settings are not current and need to be updated to be applied to the instrument. Click this button to update the instrument's settings.



1. General Settings


Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Enables or disables the HS-DPCCH state.



Channel Code

Indicates the channel code for HS-DPCCH.


CQI Part Power

Range: –40 to 0

Default: –2.69

Set the power level for the CQI part of the uplink HS-DPCCH.



ACK Part Power

Range: –40 to 0

Default: –2.69

Sets the power level for the ACK part of the uplink HS-DPCCH.



NACK Part Power

Range: –40 to 0

Default: –2.69

Set the power level for the NACK part of the uplink HS-DPCCH.



Subframe Delay (256 Chips Unit)

Range: 0 to 250

Default: 0

Sets the subframe delay of the uplink HS-DPCCH.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSDPcch:SFDelay <val>


ACK/NACK Pattern

Choice: DTX All | ACK All | NACK All | Custom Pattern| User File

Default: ACK All

Edit the ACK/NACK Pattern of the uplink HS-DPCCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedACK/NACK Pattern dialog box.

This is also used as the primary cell ACK/NACK pattern (non-MIMO).

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.


This choice sets all subframes to DTX. DTX is represented by 10.


An ACK response is represented by 00.


A NACK response is represented by 01.

Custom Pattern


User File

This variable represents an ACK pattern file stored in signal generator memory. The file must contain 2,560-bits of data (2 bit per subframe) or the Play will execute.



If you select PATTern, use the following commands to create the pattern:

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSDPcch:APATtern:PATTern <val>


CQI Pattern

Choice: DTX All | FIX | Custom Pattern|User File

Default: DTX All

Edit the CQI pattern of the uplink HS-DPCCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedCQI Pattern dialog box.

This value is valid when the secondary cell state is Off and the primary cell MIMO state is Off. The FIX value is used as the CQI value for dual cell/MIMO cases when the secondary cell state is On or MIMO state is On.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.


This choice sets all subframes to DTX.


The FIX value is used as the CQI value for dual cell/MIMO cases when the secondary cell state is On or MIMO state is On.

Custom Pattern

Sets the DPCCH FBI data pattern to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 81920 patterns.

User File

This variable represents a bit file stored in signal generator memory. The file must contain 10,240-bits of data (8 bit per subframe) or the apply function (uplink apply command) will not work.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSDPcch:CPATtern NONE|FIX|PATTern|"<filename>"


If you select PATTern or FIX, use the following commands to create the pattern:

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSDPcch:CPATtern:PATTern <val>


HS-DSCH Configured

Choice: No | Yes

Default: Yes

Sets the HS-DSCH configured state to control channel assignment. This field is available when HS-DPCCH state is Off. When HS-DPCCH state is On, this field is always "Yes".



2. Dual Cell and MIMO Settings

Secondary Cell Active

Choice: 0 | 1

Default: 0

Select the HS-DPCCH secondary cell active.



Primary Cell MIMO State

Choice: On | Off

Default: Off

Enables or Disables the HS-DPCCH primary cell MIMO state.



Secondary Cell MIMO State

Choice: On | Off

Default: Off

Enables or disables the HS-DPCCH secondary cell MIMO state. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On.




Range: 0 to 8

Default: 0

Sets the Delta-ACK. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.




Range: 0 to 8

Default: 0

Sets the Delta-NACK. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.




Range: 0 to 8

Default: 0

Sets the Delta-CQI. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.



Primary Cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern

Choice: DXT All | ACK All | NACK All | ACK/ACK All | ACK/NACK All | NACK/ACK All | NACK/NACK All | Custom Pattern| User File

Default: ACK/ACK All

Edit the primary cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern of the uplink HS-DPCCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedPrimary Cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern dialog box.

This value is valid when the primary cell MIMO state is On.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.



If you select PATTern or <"filename">, use the following commands to create the pattern:



Secondary Cell ACK/NACK Pattern (non-MIMO)

Choice: DXT All | ACK All | NACK All| Custom Pattern | User File

Default: ACK All

Edit the secondary cell ACK/NACK pattern (non-MIMO) transmission pattern of the uplink HS-DPCCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedSecondary Cell ACK/NACK Pattern (non-MIMO) dialog box.

This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On and the secondary cell MIMO state is Off.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.



If you select <"filename"> or PATTern use the following commands to create the pattern:



Secondary Cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern

Choice: DXT All | ACK All | NACK All | ACK/ACK All | ACK/NACK All | NACK/ACK All | NACK/NACK All| Custom Pattern | User File

Default: ACK/ACK All

Edit the secondary cell MIMO ACK/NACK transmission pattern of the uplink HS-DPCCH by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedSecondary Cell MIMO ACK/NACK Pattern dialog box .

This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On and the secondary cell MIMO state is On.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.



If you select <"filename"> or PATTern use the following commands to create the pattern:



Primary Cell CQI (Dual Cell (non-MIMO))

Range: 0 to 14

Default: 0

Sets the primary cell CQI for dual cell (non-MIMO) case. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On and the both of primary and secondary cell MIMO states are Off.



Secondary Cell CQI (Dual Cell (non-MIMO))

Range: 0 to 14

Default: 0

Sets the secondary cell CQI for dual cell (non-MIMO) case. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On and the both of Primary and Secondary cell MIMO states are Off.



CQI Feedback Cycle

Choice: 0 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 10 | 16 | 20 | 32 | 40 | 64 | 80 | 160

Default: 0

Sets the CQI Feedback Cycle. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.



CQI Repetition Factor

Range: 1 to 4

Default: 1

Sets the CQI repetition factor. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.




Range: 0 to 14

Default: 0

Sets the CQI MIMO CQI1. This value is valid when the primary or secondary cell MIMO state is On.




Range: 0 to 14

Default: 0

Sets the CQI MIMO CQI2. This value is valid when the primary or secondary cell MIMO state is On.




Choice: 1/1 | 1/2 | 2/3 | 3/4 | 4/5 | 5/6 | 6/7 | 7/8 | 8/9 | 9/10

Default: 1/1

Sets the CQI MIMO M/N Ratio. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:HSDPcch:CQI:MIMO:MNRatio MN1_1|MN1_2|MN2_3|MN3_4|MN4_5|MN5_6|MN6_7|MN7_8|MN8_9|MN9_10



Range: 0 | 3 (when CQI MIMO preferred number of transport blocks is 1)

Range: 0 to 3 (when CQI MIMO preferred number of transport blocks is 2)

Default: 0

Sets the CQI MIMO PCI. This value is valid when the primary or secondary MIMO state is On.



CQI MIMO Preferred Number of Transport Blocks

Range: 1 to 2

Default: 1

Sets the CQI MIMO preferred number of transport blocks. This value is valid when the primary or secondary MIMO state is On.



CQI Data Fix Pattern

Range: 0 to 30

Default: 0

Sets the CQI Fix data.



ACK-NACK Repetition Factor

Range: 1 to 4

Default: 1

Sets the ACK-NACK repetition factor. This value is valid when the secondary cell state is On or the primary cell MIMO state is On.



Preamble Mode

Choice: Off | On

Default: Off

Enables or disables the preamble mode.