Transmission (Tx) Power Control

These settings control the real-time transmission power control functionality for the W-CDMA signal.

1. Transmission Power Control


Trigger Source

Power Hold State

Maximum Power

Minimum Power

Initial Power

Power Step

Up/Down Pattern


This button indicates that the current real-time settings have been applied to the instrument—no action is required. This button is not available when the Apply Needed button is active.

This button displays in place of the Setting Current button. It indicates that the instrument settings are not current and need to be updated with the new software settings. Click this button to update the instrument's settings.



Resets the transmission power control to the Initial Power value.



This button enables and disables the Power Hold State parameter. This button is available when Trigger Source is set to Power Hold State and State is set to On.



1. Transmission Power Control


Choice: Off | On

Default: Off

Enables or disables the transmission power control.



Trigger Source

Choice: Power Hold State | Immediate

Default: Power Hold State

Sets the Transmission Power Control (TPC) trigger source. When this value is set to "Power Hold State", the power control operation is started by the Power Hold State value. When this value is set to "Immediate", the power control operation is started immediately.

Power Hold State

Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Indicates the Power Hold State for the Transmission Power Control mode. This value is reset to the default value every time on Play.



Maximum Power

Default: 0 dB

Indicates the maximum power in dB for transmission power control limit.


Minimum Power

Range: –40 to 0 (dB)

Default: –40 dB

Sets the minimum power in dB. The down power control is ignored when the transmission power has reached this power level.

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PMODe:TPControl:POWer:MINimum <val>


Initial Power

Range: –40 to 0 (dB)

Default: –0 dB

Sets the minimum power in dB. The down power control is ignored when the transmission power has reached this power level.

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PMODe:TPControl:POWer:INITial <val>


Power Step

Choice: 0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 (dB)

Default: 0.0 dB

Sets the power step of the transmission power control in dB.

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PMODe:TPControl:POWer:STEP DB0_5|DB1_0|DB2_0|DB3_0


Up/Down Pattern

Choice: Custom Pattern | User File | External

Default: External

Select the transmission power control up/down pattern.


Sets the Transmission Power Control (TPC) data pattern to External. This choice specifies an external TPC pattern.

Custom Pattern


Sets the Transmission Power Control (TPC) data pattern to Custom Pattern. The value of this command is a string which is represented ‘0’ or ‘1’. The maximum data length is 3,840 patterns.

User File


This selection specifies a data pattern that has been stored in memory.

Edit the Up/Down Pattern by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch theClosedUp/Down Pattern dialog box.

When loading a user file through the software's Data dialog box, the MXG/EXG requires an ASCII text file consisting of 1s and 0s. When using SCPI commands, all instruments require a binary data file.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PMODe:TPControl:PATTern EXTernal|PATTern|"<filename>"


[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PMODe:TPControl:PATTern:PATTern <val>