Real Time

Channel Setup: Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.0 Reverse

Pilot Channel State

Data Channel State

RRI State

Data Channel Relative Gain

RRI Bits

Data Channel Bit Stream

DRC State

Data Channel Data Offset

DRC Relative Gain


ACK State


ACK Relative Gain



Opens a Closeddrop-down menu of predefined channel configuration selections. Double-clicking a configuration replaces the current configuration in the Channel Configuration window and displays it at the top of the window.


Pilot Channel State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Is the default active channel in every frame and occurs as two distinct bursts (in normal mode) in each timeslot of the frame.

RRI State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the state of the reverse rate indicator (RRI) channel for the entire frame. When activated, it is time division multiplexed with the pilot channel.

RRI Bits

Sets the reverse rate indicator (RRI) 3-bit symbol, which represents the rate at which the data channel is transmitted. The RRI channel must be activated for the setting to be valid.

Range: 0 to 7

Default: 1

DRC State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the state of the data rate control (DRC) channel for the entire frame.

DRC Relative Gain

Range: -30 dB to 30 dB

Default: 0.00 dB

Sets the relative gain of the data rate control (DRC) channel with respect to the pilot channel. The DRC channel must be activated for the setting to be valid.

ACK State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the state of the acknowledgement (ACK) channel for the entire frame.

ACK Relative Gain

Range: –30 dB to 30 dB

Default: 0.00 dB

Sets the relative gain of the acknowledgement (ACK) channel with respect to the pilot channel. The ACK channel must be activated for the setting to be valid.

Data Channel State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the state of the data channel for the entire frame. When active, the data channel is present in each of the frame’s timeslots.

Data Channel Relative Gain

Range: –30 dB to 30 dB

Default: 0.00 dB

Sets the relative gain of the data channel with respect to the pilot channel. The data channel must be activated for the setting to be valid.

Data Channel Bit Stream

Selections: PN9, PN15, User Defined Bits

Default: PN15

Sets the data type (bit pattern) for the data channel. The default selection is PN15. The data channel must be activated before you can select the data type. The data channel bit stream is divided into each timeslot of the entire frame. In the case of PN sequences, a continuous PN sequence is distributed across the timeslots. After the last timeslot has been filled with data, the PN sequence is truncated.

The icon at the right of the entry box opens the ClosedData Source Selection dialog box

The Data Source Selection dialog box allows you to select from PN9, PN15, or User Defined Bits.

To select from the following data types, click the desired radio selection:


Provides a pseudo-random bit sequence containing 511 bits (29-1). When there are not enough bits left in the PN sequence to fill a frame, the software repeats the data sequence. When the maximum length is reached, it truncates any remaining data. If this is the selection, you are returned to the Channel Setup pane.


Provides a pseudo-random bit sequence containing 32,767 bits (215-1). When there are not enough bits left in the PN sequence to fill a frame, the software repeats the data sequence. When the maximum length is reached, it truncates any remaining data. If this is the selection, you are returned to the Channel Setup pane.

User Defined Bits

Opens the Closeduser data entry area, which lets you customize the transmitted data.

The user data entry area contains buttons to import, export, or clear user data along with the ability to insert PN9 or PN15 data. Optionally you can manually insert or delete data. To manually insert data, simply place the cursor within the data entry area or highlight existing bits, and insert data. There are three ways to insert data: 

(The key board shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V work for user data entry.)

To delete data, simply place the cursor at the desired location within the data or highlight bits, and delete the data. The key board shortcut Ctrl+Z also deletes highlighted data.

The maximum number of bits for the user data entry area is 65,536, which is also the maximum file size.

The expanded area has five buttons that can be used to manipulate data for the channel.

The five buttons in the expanded area are:


Loads a user-defined pattern from a selected location. When you select this button, the Open user defined data dialog box appears for navigating to and selecting the desired file. An imported file automatically updates the user data entry area. The software accepts the following file types:

The maximum file size is 65,536 bits. If the imported file is larger than 65,536 bits, the software truncates the bits to conform to the maximum file size.


Saves the current data pattern, showing in the user data entry area, to a file. When you select this button, a Save user defined data dialog box appears for navigating to the location where you can save the file. The software saves the user data as one of the following selected file types:


Clears all data showing in the user data entry area.

Insert PN9

Inserts a fixed pattern pseudo-random bit sequence containing 511 bits (29-1) into the user data entry area. The software generates this fixed pattern in accordance with the CCITT recommendation O.153. Repeated clicking of this button adds additional PN9 sequences until the software attains the maximum file size of 65,536 bits. The software truncates data in excess of the maximum file size.

To edit the data pattern, insert the cursor at the desired point in the file and click Insert PN9, or enter the information manually using the keyboard keys 1 and 0. The software inserts the data at the cursor position and truncates all data in excess of 65,536 bits.

Insert PN15

Inserts a fixed pattern pseudo-random bit sequence containing 32,767 bits (215-1) into the user data entry area. The software generates this fixed pattern in accordance with the CCITT recommendation O.153. Repeated clicking of this button adds additional PN15 sequences until the software attains the maximum file size of 65,536 bits. The software truncates data in excess of the maximum file size.

To edit the data pattern, insert the cursor at the desired point in the file and click Insert PN15, or enter the information manually using the keyboard keys 1 and 0. The software inserts the data at the cursor position and truncates all data in excess of 65,536 bits.

Data Channel Data Offset

Range: 0 to 32768

Default: 0 

Sets the number of bits that the payload data is offset. For example, if the payload data is 0110 and the offset is 2, the resulting bit stream begins with the third bit (1), skipping over the first two (01) before continuing to repeat the selected pattern (0110). Therefore, in this example, the pattern would be 10011001100110... and so on.


Range: 0 to 3FFFFFFFFFF

Default: 0

Sets the I mask value in hexadecimal.


Range: 0 to 3FFFFFFFFFF

Default: 0

Sets the Q mask value in hexadecimal.
