Real Time

Timeslots: Advanced 1xEV-DO Rev.0 Reverse

Timeslot Number

DRC Cover

DRC State

ACK State

DRC Data

ACK Data

Timeslot Configuration Summary Table

This table enables you to view the key parameters for each timeslot. Double-clicking a timeslot row activates the setup tables for that timeslot. You can use a maximum of 16 timeslots.

Opens a Closeddrop-down menu of predefined channel configuration selections. Double-clicking a configuration replaces the current configuration in the Channel Configuration window and displays it at the top of the window.

Opens a Closeddrop-down menu which allows you to select a pattern to apply to all 16 timeslots rather than manually editing the parameters for individual timeslots.

Click each of the following for descriptions of available choices.

Timeslot Number

Designates the timeslot number. You cannot edit cells in this column.

DRC State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the data rate control (DRC) channel state for the selected timeslot.

DRC Data

Range: 0 to 15

Default: 15

Sets the fixed, 4-bit data rate control (DRC) pattern, indicating the selected serving sector and the requested data rate on the forward traffic channel for the selected timeslot. The range is 0 to 15, each of these decimal values representing their binary equivalent (example: 1=0001, 2=0010 and so on).

DRC Cover

Range: 0 to 7

Default: 7

Sets the 8-ary Walsh cover for the data rate control (DRC) channel for each timeslot.

ACK State

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the acknowledgement channel state for the selected timeslot to on or off.

ACK Data

Selections: 0, 1

Default: 1

Sets the acknowledgement channel information bit is set to either 0 or 1.

To simulate this, the information bit to be transmitted can be individually configured in each timeslot with an active ACK channel.

Advanced 1xEV-D0 Rev.0 Reverse