TDMA Frame Structure (Advanced Downlink)

This TDMA Frame description is for the carrier configuration: BCH+TCH/FR+PDTCH when in the WFMn node, Control Channels is selected and in the Carrier n node, the FCCH + SCH + BCCH + CCCH configuration is selected.

51 Multiframe (Downlink)

51 multiframe on TS0, comprising 51 TDMA frames, is used to support broadcast, common control and stand alone dedicated control (SDCCH) --and their associated control-- channels.

This 51 multiframe waveform includes:

The BCH and CCH message data are setup as the same as the default setup for the 8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set.

Procedure to setup a 51 Multiframe Carrier n:

  1. In the Waveform Setup node click on the Insert New Waveform button .

  2. In the drop down window click on GSM BCH + TCH/FS + PDTCH.

  3. In the Carrier n node click no the ClosedAdd New Carrier button and then click on Control Channels.

    Add New Carrier            

    GSM Timeslots

    All timeslots are configured as Normal GMSK modulation

    GSM Continuous

    Continuous pattern with GMSK modulation.

    EGPRS2-A Timeslots

    All timeslots are configured as Normal 16QAM bursts.

    EGPRS2-B HSR Timeslots HB

    All timeslots are configured as HSR (HB) QPSK burst.

    EGPRS2-A Continuous

    Continuous pattern with 16QAM modulation.

    EGPRS2-B HSR Continuous

    Continuous pattern with HSR (HB) QPSK modulation.

    Advanced GSM/EDGE/EGPRS2-A

    Configures timeslot 0 with a coded TCH/FS and all timeslots use Normal GMSK modulation.

    Advanced EGPRS2-B

    Configures timeslot 0 with a coded UBS-6 and all timeslots use HSR QPSK and 3PI/4 rotation modulation.

    Advanced Half Rate GSM/EDGE/EGPRS2-A

    All timeslots are configured as a coded TCH/HS and all timeslots use GMSK modulation.

    Control Channels

    Configures timeslot 0 with a standard Combined BCH and all timeslots use GMSK modulation.

    The default is FCCH + SCH + BCCH + CCCH.

Refer to 3GPP TS 45.001 V7.7.0 (2008-02).


F: TDMA frame for frequency correction burst

S: TDMA frame for synchronization burst

B: TDMA frame for BCCH

C: TDMA frame for CCCH

D:TDMA frame for SDCCH

A: TDMA frame for SACCH/C

R: TDMA frame for RACH


Figure: Channel Organization in the 51-frame multiframe

Multiframe Structure of BCH