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Data (Access Burst - Advanced)
To open the Data node, click Data in the .
The figure below shows the Data node.
The timeslots shown below are set to show all of the available timeslot
types, not to show a typical test configuration.
Change Data Values Button
to display a drop-down menu in which you can
from one timeslot to another.
Data Node Parameters
Use the Data window to define the bits in the bursts. The cells displayed
in the Data section are determined by the burst type (Timeslot Type) for
the selected timeslot as defined in the Timeslots window. In the window shown above, Timeslot
5 is selected, so the data cells provided are for setting up an Access
Access Burst Bits
Data (Access Burst)
Extended Tail Bits (8 bits)
Default: X"3A"
Click the Details button
in this cell to open the Data Source Selection. Enter 8 bits to use in
the extended tail bit segment of the Access Burst. See
drop-down figure.
The buttons in this window are described in Marker Source Selection.
to open a dialog box in which you can navigate to and import a pre-defined
pattern file. The imported file automatically updates the user data entry
area. The software accepts the following file types:
The maximum file size is 65536 bits. If the imported
file is larger than 65536 bits, the software truncates the bits to conform
to the maximum file size.
to open a dialog box in which you can save the current data pattern to
a file. You can save the data pattern as one of the following file types:
Click to clear all data
displayed in the user data entry area.
Insert PN9
to insert a fixed psuedo-random bit sequence (pattern) containing 511
bits (29-1) into the user
data entry area. The software generates this fixed pattern in accordance
with the CCITT recommendation 0.153. You can click this button repeatedly
to add additional PN9 sequences until the maximum file size is reached
(65536 bits). If the maximum file size is exceeded,
the software truncates the excess data.
To edit the existing data pattern after reaching
the maximum file size, insert the cursor at the desired point in the file
and press or use the
keyboard 1 and 0 keys. The software inserts the data at the cursor position
and truncates data in excess of 65536 bits.
Insert PN15
to insert a fixed pattern psuedo-random bit sequence containing 32,767
bits (215-1) into the user
data entry area. The software generates this fixed pattern in accordance
with the CCITT recommendation O.153.
To edit the data pattern, insert the cursor at the
desired point in the file and click Insert PN15, or enter the information
manually using the keyboard keys 1 and 0. The software inserts the data
at the cursor position and truncates all data in excess of 65536 bits.
Synchronized Sequence
Bits (41 bits)
Default: X"096FF335478"
Enter 41 bits to use for the synchronized sequence
bits of the Access Burst.
Encrypted Bits (36 bits)
Choice: PN9 | PN15 |
User Defined Bits
Default: PN9
Click the Details button
in this cell to open the
Data Source Selection
Select ,
, , or to use for the encrypted
Tail Bits (3 bits)
Tail bits are set by the software at 000. You cannot
edit this cell.
Extended Guard Period
(6n bits)
The Extended Guard Period bits are set by the software.
You cannot edit this cell.
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