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To open the Instrument node, click Instrument in the . If there is more than one instrument connection, there will be a corresponding number of Instrument listings in the tree view.

If you are connected to an E6640A EXM, refer to Instrument (E6640A)

The figure below shows the instrument controls for the connected signal generator.

Update to Instrument

Press the Update to Instrument button to send the parameters to the connected instrument.

Downloading a waveform or pressing the Update Hardware Settings button also updates settings to the instrument.

Update from Instrument

Press the Update from Instrument button to retrieve the parameters from the connected instrument.


Press the Local button to deactivate remote operation and activate signal generator local (front panel) control.


Press the Preset button to set the signal generator to a factory-defined or user-defined state.  

Refer to the signal generator's user's guide for information on setting a user-defined state.

DC Cal

Press the DC Cal button to execute an I/Q DC calibration to minimize errors associated with offset voltages.  

DC Cal minimizes I/Q offset errors for a single frequency only and must be repeated if the signal generator's settings change.

Download a waveform to set the correct parameters for the target instrument and activate this button.

You can set this calibration to occur automatically. See 1. Configuration.

Power Search

Set ALC to Off toactivate this button.

Press the Power Search button to execute a manual power search calibration. This is an internal calibration routine that improves output power accuracy when the ALC is turned off. A power search is recommended for pulse-modulated signals with pulse-widths less than two microseconds.

Download a waveform to set the correct parameters for the target instrument.


Select the Hint checkbox then click a parameter cell to display a brief description of that parameter.